I have 21 registry keys that CCleaner tells me to delete.

Hello all, I wonder if any of you computer people can help me please. I do quite a lot of cleans a week and every couple of days (if I haven't installed or uninstalled any programs) I have 21 uninstaller reference issues come up. I have right clicked on each of them and the solution, "Delete the registry key", comes up. Is it safe for me to delete them one by one? They are all, HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\App Management\ARPCache\ Thank You in advance

Welcome to Piriform totallyskint.

Hello all, I wonder if any of you computer people can help me please. I do quite a lot of cleans a week and every couple of days (if I haven't installed or uninstalled any programs) I have 21 uninstaller reference issues come up. I have right clicked on each of them and the solution, "Delete the registry key", comes up. Is it safe for me to delete them one by one? They are all, HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\App Management\ARPCache\ Thank You in advance

When you use the Registry section and do a Scan for Issues you can select which issues you want fixing with the tick mark. When you click Fix selected issues... you are given an option to save the settings what will be removed to a reg file. To be on the safe side select yes and give it a filename. Then it things do go wrong and things stop working properly you can just double-click the saved reg file to put all the infomation removed back in the registry. Other than that you would have to do a system restore. ;)

Welcome to Piriform totallyskint.

When you use the Registry section and do a Scan for Issues you can select which issues you want fixing with the tick mark. When you click Fix selected issues... you are given an option to save the settings what will be removed to a reg file. To be on the safe side select yes and give it a filename. Then it things do go wrong and things stop working properly you can just double-click the saved reg file to put all the infomation removed back in the registry. Other than that you would have to do a system restore. ;)

Thanks for you reply Keithuk, I have clicked on the (fix selected issues) many times and the entries disappear and every every couple of days, they reappear. When I right click on each of them, CCleaner tells me to delete the registry key

Thanks for you reply Keithuk, I have clicked on the (fix selected issues) many times and the entries disappear and every every couple of days, they reappear. When I right click on each of them, CCleaner tells me to delete the registry key

Yeah they will do that for a long,long time unless MS changes It's mind about WinXP and it's future.

:) davey

Please read:

[solution] Registry Issues Keep Re-appearing In CCleaner


Please read:

[solution] Registry Issues Keep Re-appearing In CCleaner


YoKenny,Thanks for bringing that up because in many cases this helps get rid of many recurring Registry issues.

Unfortunately,it can not resolve all recurring items.

Many of these are caused by timing and incomplete closing processes when logging off,turning off the PC or Restarting.

Some others are caused by erroneous software and "bugs" that have never been resolved.

There are even things within regedit.exe itself that will not allow certain things to be performed.

In this case,I find if I properly exit Add/Remove Programs this does not occur as often.

I can't claim to always exit every window properly.

Like others sometimes I forget.

:) davey

Please read:

[solution] Registry Issues Keep Re-appearing In CCleaner


Thank You for the reply Yokenny, I'll take your advice and give it a go

Thank You for the reply Yokenny, I'll take your advice and give it a go

I installed dial-a-fix and ran the "repair permissions tool", and when I went back to CCleaner the entries were all still there, but all of the writing wasn't there, (for a while), I thought it had done the trick, and ran the CCleaner a little later and all of the entries came back again. I have read the instructions fully and done as I was told, but I'm back to square 1 with the 21 entries still recurring, any more suggestions please? :o

I installed dial-a-fix and ran the "repair permissions tool", and when I went back to CCleaner the entries were all still there, but all of the writing wasn't there, (for a while), I thought it had done the trick, and ran the CCleaner a little later and all of the entries came back again. I have read the instructions fully and done as I was told, but I'm back to square 1 with the 21 entries still recurring, any more suggestions please? :o

Sorry to trouble you again, and Thank You for your replies, as I said in my last posting I tried installing Dial-a-fix and I am still in the same predicament, has anyone any other suggestions please? thank You in advance.

Sorry to trouble you again, and Thank You for your replies, as I said in my last posting I tried installing Dial-a-fix and I am still in the same predicament, has anyone any other suggestions please? thank You in advance.

Hello again totallyskint1,

Sorry about your issues problem but you will find that some of them go away over time.Some of them don't.

Remember CCleaner is not telling you to delete anything.What it is telling you is that there are some integrity issues in your Registry.

It tells you what it will do if you you tell it to fix the issues.It in no way "guarantees" to fix anything.

I have 26 issues that comeback no matter what Registry program I try.They all have to do with Unused File Extensions.They don't bother the operation of my PC one bit.Some users refuse to believe that their Registry was messed up in the first place.All it takes is an errant program or a little over zealous application of Registry modifications,Windows itself etc.

New Users Advice Registry Advice

You will find that the most experienced users don't even bother with using Registry cleaners.Have a read of this thread.Then decide for yourself.Pay particular attention to the interview of Mark Russinovich (Author of the "Bible", Windows Internals, co-founder of Winternals and Sysinternals, and since both companies were bought by Microsoft, now a senior Microsoft employee).

http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28099 AUMHA Discussion: Should I Use a Registry Cleaner?

Good luck,

:) davey

Hello again totallyskint1,

Sorry about your issues problem but you will find that some of them go away over time.Some of them don't.

Remember CCleaner is not telling you to delete anything.What it is telling you is that there are some integrity issues in your Registry.

It tells you what it will do if you you tell it to fix the issues.It in no way "guarantees" to fix anything.

I have 26 issues that comeback no matter what Registry program I try.They all have to do with Unused File Extensions.They don't bother the operation of my PC one bit.Some users refuse to believe that their Registry was messed up in the first place.All it takes is an errant program or a little over zealous application of Registry modifications,Windows itself etc.

New Users Advice Registry Advice

You will find that the most experienced users don't even bother with using Registry cleaners.Have a read of this thread.Then decide for yourself.Pay particular attention to the interview of Mark Russinovich (Author of the "Bible", Windows Internals, co-founder of Winternals and Sysinternals, and since both companies were bought by Microsoft, now a senior Microsoft employee).

http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28099 AUMHA Discussion: Should I Use a Registry Cleaner?

Good luck,

:) davey

Thank You Davey for your words of wisdom, and Thank You for replying to my message. I have checked out the link you posted and I am satisfied now that the registry keys that are pointing nowhere is no big deal, and also, when Microsoft put sp3 and messenger 9 back on the downloads page, I will be brave and reinstall windows again. I'll always keep a copy of CCleaner on my computer and recommend it to friends as it is a bloody good little program. Once again Davey, Thank You

Thank You Davey for your words of wisdom, and Thank You for replying to my message. I have checked out the link you posted and I am satisfied now that the registry keys that are pointing nowhere is no big deal, and also, when Microsoft put sp3 and messenger 9 back on the downloads page, I will be brave and reinstall windows again. I'll always keep a copy of CCleaner on my computer and recommend it to friends as it is a bloody good little program. Once again Davey, Thank You

Why are you thinking about re-installing Windows again?Especially if that is all that is showing up is those 21 issues.

If it really bothers you then take a manual System Restore point and run Erunt to back up your Registry.

Run the Registry function of CCleaner and click on Fix Issues.

I avoid re-installing Widows except as a very last resort!!!

Oops!!! Just realized that is the reason you started this thread.

Best advice I can give you is if your system is running OK, great.If not clean it up and optimize your registry with NTREGOPT.

Ignore the Registry programs .Do what is listed in this link and you will be fine. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905

:) davey

P.S. The SP3 update works fine I have installed it a number of times with no problems.Remember to back up,turn off security programs and screen saver.It only takes 1/2 hr to 1 hour.Turn things back on and reboot.

Is there some other concern you have that I have missed or don't know about?

Why are you thinking about re-installing Windows again?

Thats a bad thing to do with any operating system. It causes more problems that it cures. ;)

Thats a bad thing to do with any operating system. It causes more problems that it cures. ;)

I'm listening to you now Davey, I wont reinstall Windows, I will leave my computer as it is. The only reason I was thinking about reinstalling was because, (In between playing online poker) I seem to have become a "Serial down loader" of programs. I have even put a notice on my calender saying, "Stop down loading free-ware", and I thought if I reinstalled windows I would have learned this time not to keep installing programs. Anyway Davey, thank you for your help and advice.

I'm listening to you now Davey, I wont reinstall Windows, I will leave my computer as it is. The only reason I was thinking about reinstalling was because, (In between playing online poker) I seem to have become a "Serial down loader" of programs. I have even put a notice on my calender saying, "Stop down loading free-ware", and I thought if I reinstalled windows I would have learned this time not to keep installing programs. Anyway Davey, thank you for your help and advice.

Hey y'all come back real soon.

Yer a good candidate for regular forum member.We got s few of them "serial downloaders" 'round here too.

Online poker eh? Been hangin' 'round them casinos? Don't cha go bringin' any of them viruses 'round here!!! :lol:

Them guys and gals will teach ya all about "sandboxes" 'n such. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104010


Lots more too on the forums.

:) davey

Hey y'all come back real soon.

Yer a good candidate for regular forum member.We got s few of them "serial downloaders" 'round here too.

Online poker eh? Been hangin' 'round them casinos? Don't cha go bringin' any of them viruses 'round here!!! :lol:

Them guys and gals will teach ya all about "sandboxes" 'n such. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104010


Lots more too on the forums.

:) davey

Hi again Davey, I've come back to report to you where I am now. I did go ahead and reinstall windows in the end. It's taken me about a week or so to get my pc performing well and installing the browsers, programs and internet, and so on. Well Davey, after all of the reinstalling I have done I only have one registry key that keeps coming back. It is the same one as before (I had 21 or so before reinstalling) I have noticed when I right click on CCleaner it takes me to regedit where there is an open folder, does an open folder mean that there is nothing in it and it is safe to delete? It's one of those ARP cache management keys, thank's in advance Davey, totallyskint

I did go ahead and reinstall windows in the end.

I said that was a bad move but no one ever listens to me. :P

I have noticed when I right click on CCleaner it takes me to regedit where there is an open folder,

You mean if you right-click on CCleaner.exe it takes me to regedit where there is an open folder? That will only give you file options. ;)

I said that was a bad move but no one ever listens to me. :P

You mean if you right-click on CCleaner.exe it takes me to regedit where there is an open folder? That will only give you file options. ;)

Yes Keith, that is what I meant, sorry I didn't explain it well