I hate Comcast

Ok to all of you wondering where the hjt help has went all I can say is blame comcast(and the terrible construction workers my neighbors hired). My internet has been a real problem for about the last 2 months. It all started with some bad storms, at first my internet just randomly went off for hours at a time, but I could still manage to get things done. Well for the last week or so its been COMPLETELY off. I've had Comcast come out 3 times and they have failed to fix it each time. At first they didnt know whats wrong and now their telling me that they "think" a landscaper may have cut the cable lines(which I think is BS because all my neighbors still have cable tv but no internet)

Sadly I cant bum a wifi connection off a neighbor because their net is out too. :(

I'm at a family member's house right now but I cant really get much done from here in the way of hjt logs.

I'm going to be out for the next week because of a trip, so hopefully my net will be fixed when I get back. If its not I'm switching to a different ISP(only other around is slow DSL though :( ). Sorry for the inconvenience to those who I started helping or are waiting to get help.

I will get things back to normal when I get back. :)

This is probably my last post for about 10 days or so at the least but dont worry, "I"ll be back". :lol:

I will get things back to normal when I get back. :)

This is probably my last post for about 10 days or so at the least but dont worry, "I"ll be back". :lol:

OK Arnold. :P

You deserve some time out also.

:) davey

rridgely, there are 10 other HijackThis ( HJT ) log approved helpers but they are conspicuous by their absence :(

I volunteered to help but somehow I was declined and a threat to have my account suspended if I did post there and there are 4 unanswered requests for help there. When people post HJT logs they are desperate for help as soon as possible and not have to wait 8 days for an answer.

Until such time as rridgely is back up and running there are other places which would help in the meantime.


