I had questions on Defraggler


I need help and advise on the following issues:

1) Why should I choose the paid version: Defraggler?


2) What are the differences between the free and paid versions?

3) Optimize your hard disks for faster access! I do not understand this point too. What is it?

4) What are the qualities of a rating for this product: Defraggler?

It's a good quality program or are better?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions

1) you get help direct from Piriform Support and automatic updates and (if memory serves correctly) something about licensing - like you are allowed to install it on more than 1 PC in your own home.

2) see 1)

3) you get the same feature with the free version - not sure why they list this as a feature pertaining to the Pro version (unless it does extra 'optimising') - most people only get the Free version - unless you need a business license.

4) you won't get anybody on this forum telling you there is a better competing program (even if it wasn't against forum rules!)

Well. Just still do not understand what it means to optimize the HDD?

You can me explain more?

This isn't meant to come across rude, but do you understand the principle behind a defrag process? :)

I simply ask in case you don't. (at some stage all of us new nothing and had to start somewhere).

In case you don't, you can Google it to get a full-blown explanation, but to dumb it down; when you store a file, the Operating System stores your data in the first available space on the drive.

This space may not be big enough to store all your data, so it then looks for the next available space, which may not be right next door.

Eventually, after all your data has been stored, instead of it taking up one contiguous spot on your drive, it may live on several or more, spread all over the drive.

When something like Word wants to open your file, it has to hunt down all the spots your data lives on. This only takes fractions of a second but the more spots, or fragments, your file lives in, the longer this process takes.

A defrag or 'optimise' shuffles space around so your fragmented file can live in one contiguous spot.

Further optimisation is when the defrag process moves heavily used files to the start (inner sectors) of the drive to improve speed of access, moves seldom used files to the outer rings and other geeky stuff that most users simply don't want to know. As long as the process works and the PC gets faster - then they're happy.

My understanding of Defraggler is despite your version, the 'defrag' methodology is the same.

Still, I wonder what is the function: Defregmentovat unused space Defregmentovat space (allow fragmentation) what mean these functions? And they are suitable for accelerating the HDD?

Recommend reading these:

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defragmentation

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defraggler