I found the greatest comp prank.

ok best way to piss someone off. Have any song preferably a long song, like stairway to heavan, or an innapropriate song w/e it is, get something like dbppoweramp music converter or any other program that will convert mps into wavs. so convert the song into a wav and go into windows sound scheme and change all the sounds to the one song, like "close a program" "start windows" "program error" "maximize" and it will play out the whole song on w/e they do.

Another is to go to Programs>Accesories>Accessibility and turn on Narrator. I like your idea though because of the endless amount of sound effects you could use if you wanted to like blood curdling screams, car alarms, etc.

Long songs is pretty evil, though... :lol:

Can also hurt a computers performance and have terrible startup times. Maybe we should lock you in a room with Cher songs.

not if you convert the songs to 8000 hz, and 8 bit .wav

If we were locked in a room with Cher and her clone, we could "Cher and Cher-Alike."

If we were locked in a room with Cher and her clone, we could "Cher and Cher-Alike."

WOAH, that just hit the "Barf-O-Meter" ? at a staggering 11!!!

Having something like that should be named as a WMD - Weapon of Music Destruction and the owner severely chastised to listening to ALL of Sony and Cher's songs.....

Cheers ;)