I just had a major template disaster with my blog, and I just got everything set up just the way I want it. This morning, when I went to make a new post on it, my blog had apparently been locked due to spam. WTF?! So I sent an unlock request, and they replied saying that I had violated their Terms of Service. HOW THE **** DID I DO THAT? I haven't posted any bad content!
They also said that my blog had been deleted. So, all my hard work in creating and having a good blog just went down the drain. I am so ****ing mad at Blogger right now.
Never again will I be recommending them for ANYTHING.
Sorry to hear that Ice. Would they not tell you exactly why they pulled the plug?
Nope. That's the other thing that's making me mad. They randomly locked my blog, and when I sent a request to unlock it, they sent an automated message that says that I was violating the terms of service (which I wasn't, and I'm pretty sure of that!) and that my blog had been deleted. I deserve to know exactly why they deleted my blog. Ah well, nothing to do about it now, and there's no point in starting a new blog, as all my work was in the old one that got deleted by blogger.
Sorry to hear about your trouble Ice.
I know you put a lot of effort into it.
Well I've posted about my problem in the Blogger help forum. Hopefully someone will help me get my blog back.
Sorry your blog was shut down, it has to be very frustrating putting all that hard work into it to have that happen without even being given a chance to be notified of a terms of service violation and to possibly fix it, etc.
Unfortunately you have to be super careful posting stuff like that free WinRAR 3.80 offer you posted on here days ago as that can be easily frowned upon giving people a means of circumvention, and it only takes one person to report something like that for instance to get you kicked off some of those free website companies - although I don't know if that's what happened to you.
I'm not sure whether that was the issue, because my blog was originally locked for "spam", then it got deleted. I do hope that it gets restored though.
Google cache may help, I would suggest you hurry before they purge their files.
You need to paste the exact URL of your blog links into Google's search box then hit the "cache" link.
You've posted a handful of direct links to this forum so finding them shouldn't be too hard (or the copy the links inside your blog page).
e.g. I seached for: http://icedrakesblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/piriform-software.html
cache link =
I hope you recover/backup most of your lost posts.
Richard S.
I don't think I'll be able to use that method, because I have too many posts. Thanks for the suggestion though RedHawk.
Don't panic guy
I think it is in another account actually. Try to locate it. Login with all email addresses you have. or you can try to recover deleted blog from here > http://help.blogger.com/bin/request.py?con...ype=deletedblog.
To recover your posts, go to Google.com and type cache:BLOG_URL
hope helps