Hi, when i click on the icon i see this messages...., anybody can help me??
I don't know what it says in the screenshot hence that isn't my language, however typically problems are solved by installing the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime files as detailed in this thread here:
After you install them restart Windows!
If you're still having problems after installing them first uninstall CCleaner then reboot, then re-install CCleaner.
Looks like the "Error report" dialog which appears after software crash...
Good that you attached appcompat.
Thanks for the tips, but i have tried reinstalling the VB but still have the same problem, and YES, the window is the Error Report dialog, now when my machine was booting i tried to run Ccleaner, and because it was slower loading things, i see a windows informing an ActiveX problem or some like that and then the Error Report, i still with my machine dirty
Hi flaviote, and welcome.
Reinstalling the VB Runtimes really should be your solution. Could you tell us what OS you are running?
Also, do this for me. Try to run CCleaner again, and let it crash (note the time of the crash please). Then immediately do the following:
1. (click) Start
2. (click) Settings
3. (click) Control Panel
4. (open) Administrative Tools
5. (open) Event Viewer
Now open the Application log, and the System log. Look for Warnings and Error at the time that CCleaner crashed.
If there are any Warnings and/or Errors. Please post them. It will probably be best, and easiest to post screenshots of them.
I?ve made all the things there but i can?t see any errors on the Event Viewer :S, downloaded the latest version, installed but the problem stills