Good evening,
i made a mistake when buying CCleaner Pro. I have my e-mail stated something wrong. What can I do now to get to the upgrade? It is probably that i can not write the support if i am not registered? Is this possible only with the purchase and the following e-mail? Please help me ![:wacko:]()
Best Regards
You're entitled to use the support from after all you bought a license. Just tell them the e-mail address you gave was wrong and I'm sure they'll work with you.
And where do I do that? On the homepage I supposed to enter email and password ... I have not yet !!!! Best Regards Karewu
Go here
Enter the email address and password you registered with.
Then tell them about the problem with your email address.
There's the problem, I took a "q" instead of "@" in the email address .. So I have no registering, i canĀ“t log in and get no help People let you once think of something, I have paid! And then I want to have the upgrade!
I'll do it the way here with the google translator so do not be surprised wenns sounds a little confused.
Best Regards Karewu