Pagefile is my biggest file at 1.5 gigs and it has the most fragments. Will defragging this file crash my system?
wayofdow said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <div> Pagefile is my biggest file at 1.5 gigs and it has the most fragments. Will defragging this file crash my system? </div> </div>
No defragger should ever crash your system.
Try PageDefrag:
Try PageDefrag:
Do you know if PageDefrag is compatible with Vista? I've looked around but haven't come across a definitive answer.
/ninja'ing thread...
I don't have Vista so I can't try it but the utility is from Microsoft's Mark Russinovich so Microsoft Technical support should be able to answer that question.Do you know if PageDefrag is compatible with Vista? I've looked around but haven't come across a definitive answer.
/ninja'ing thread...
I don't have Vista so I can't try it but the utility is from Microsoft's Mark Russinovich so Microsoft Technical support should be able to answer that question.
As yet, PageDefrag does not work on Vista, but I don't know why !
If you have plenty of memory, then you can set the page file to zero,
reboot, defrag your disk [all of it: files, folders, freespace] and then
recreate the page file.
This can be risky if you do not have much memory, but should be fine
[see posts under: ]
I'm going to write this without crying. I'm going to write this without crying. Ionlyhave1GBofRAM. -breaks down in tears-
Pagefile is my biggest file at 1.5 gigs and it has the most fragments. Will defragging this file crash my system?
It should be safe to defragment the page file and MFT as long as the defragger is reliable and knows what it's doing. However, AFAIK, there is no free defragger that is capable of defragging the MFT. I use Diskeeper 2008 on my XP rig, and it has the capability to defrag both. I used to do the occasional boot-time defrag with Diskeeper Pro on my XP system, but I find that it is very rarely needed now, since DK's 'fragshield' feature keeps the MFT un-fragmented, and I've also moved the paging file to a separate partition on a different drive.