Hyperhealth Program Bug

I have HyperHealth Pro 2008 ( V 8.0 ) on Vista ( 32 ) . After I run the CCleaner Registry Clean , the program requires that I reregister

it and I have to contact HyperHealth to enable me to succesfully reregister . Is there nothing that can be done to prevent this ?

In CCleaner you'll need to enable an exclusion for that program using whatever CCleaner is listing to be removed. To exclude an item go into CCleaner's:


Thanks Andavari - that indeed solved the problem ! After doing a Registry Scan , I deselected some entries which did not appear to be associated with known programs , and only then did Fix . Another question - if I go into Options and do an Exclude of the HyperHealth program folder , these entries still appear after a Registry Scan .

Make sure that you have also ticked 'custom files and folders' under the advanced section as well as doing the 'exclude'

Another question - if I go into Options and do an Exclude of the HyperHealth program folder , these entries still appear after a Registry Scan .

That will only exclude the physical files on the hard disk, which is perfectly fine to do since it has given you issues with Hyperhealth. You can also exclude the whole Hyperhealth registry location wherever it may reside in the Windows registry. Example: HKCU\Software\Hyperheatlh

Hazelnut , all I have in the Advanced tab is as you see in this snip.

Andavari - excuse my ignorance - but how do I find this Registry location ?



Andavari and Hazelnut , I have been in touch with HyperHealth and sent them a copy of the entries I deselected from the Registry Scan results . They came back to me that only one of these 4 is connected to them , and it is a Securewrap entry . I did check and only deslect this one and the HyperHealth still works . I would imagine that any other program that used Securewrap would have a similar problem as I did . Might it be an idea to have an option somewhere to exclude Securewrap entries ? It takes the form in my case , of swep xx HKCR\swep xx , where xx are 2 numbers .

Thanks for your help .

Sorry aviwil, I meant the advanced here



OK - thanks Hazelnut - it was already checked .