
Hi, when trying to run the new Health Feature, it continually states that it can't establish a connection. Not sure why, I have an internet connection and it's working fine. Tried it with VPN both on and off, no difference. Doesn't seem like I can take a screen shot with ccleaner open

It is probably something in your firewall settings (anti-virus) that is blocking it.

Try making CCleaner an exception in your AV, or if you have custom firewall settings check what they are blocking.

Health Check is meant for non-technical users. (Think granny who doesn't know anything about computers apart from that she can see the grandkids on Skype).

If you are more technically minded then use Custom Clean which gives more control.

EDIT not sure about the screenshot thing, is that alt+prtscr? I'll have a look when I get back to a computer instead of a phone.

Alright thank you. As far as I see, nothing is blocking CC but as long as the health check is nothing more than fluff then I'll just ignore it. As far as screenshot, the lightshot application wont work because ccleaner closes upon opening the app and I've tried several manual prntscrn and alt-prt scrn, win-prt scrn, etc. Open the paint, paste and nothing happens. I haven't used the paint feature since win 7 so maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm certainly not an advanced or even a moderately technical computer person but I usually have no issues navigating with some guidance,

Thank you for your reply and help <span><img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20"></span>

I tend to use Windows built in clipping tool these days, it puts clips straight into the clipboard and if you higlight things that goes in the clipboard too.

Then just paste it into the post (right click or ctrl+v)

Have the same problem. Every time I try to run Health Check I get "We're unable to establish a connection. If I can't run Health Check then I wasted my money to upgrade. I will uninstall the program and call my credit card company and put the charge in dispute. I refuse to pay for a program that doesn't work. I disabled my virus program and still get the same message.