HTML5 LocalStorage "exploit"

Apparently, HTML5 storage is supposed to be limited to X MB per domain, including subdomains. However, Firefox is allegedly the only browser that actually implements this restriction.

A stanford student created a site that will effectively fill your harddrive using HTML5 local storage (I have not linked to the site, but the blog post I link to links to the site if you want to try it)

I thought FLASH was bad enough, and long ago I created two custom includes :-

Include1=PATH|%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\|*.*|RECURSE

Include2=PATH|%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE

I now find I have been stuck with 864 kB of HTML5 stuff in webappsstore.sqlite

I guess others suffer far more than me, but even so I now feel another custom include is coming on me :angry:

I understand that :-

Firefox fixed their approach to this back in 2007;

PaleMoon uses the same open source code as its base with the same defaults and performance, and the same is likely for other Firefox siblings;

5 MB will grow to 5000 MB after visiting 1000 different sites that each donate 5 MB;

I guess a man who opens 1000 Tabs a day could blow through a 2 TB drive in a year :o

I am now thinking about changing these defaults under about:Config;5120;true

I understand that purging webappsstore.sqlite will lose any site login data that it might hold,

but setting will make HTML5 sites revert to the use of 4 kB cookies in traditional places.
