How to..

How would I print the "Save as text" listing of the Add/Remove programs so it's in table form?

I simply launch a spreadsheet and drag-drop the file onto the spreadsheet.

The file is "tab delimitted" and the results appear in nice columns ready for printing.

It does import great that but with Excel how do I set the column widts for the longest cell's data? Maybe not worded correctly but I think you may now what I mean.////

@ CSGalloway. Autoformat worked for that here. Excel 97. State of the art. :P

hover your mouse between the two columns in the column header row and your mouse will change, when it does, press and hold it down and drag it to the desired new width.

or just double click it on the column border and it will auto-expand to the widest cell in the column.

I did the autoformat but the first line was used as column headers and the last colum was not left jestified or whatever like the others were..

I did the autoformat but the first line was used as column headers and the last colum was not left jestified or whatever like the others were..

Autoformat worked fine here. I guess if it doesn't you have to configure the file manually. Just a question of figuring out which drop menu does what and maybe using mta's suggestion. Easy, but time consuming. CTRL + z is useful to reverse changes.