Great old video here on how to use a dial phone. About half way through I must admit I laughed out loud at the demonstration model and the tutorial given.
How on earth they would do that for the likes of win7 I don't know. Of course.. youtube!!
Kathleen Sebelius told us how to sneeze into our sleeves in order not to spread germs. This promo sort of comes off with the same "I'm an adult and let's face it, you're a child" condescension.
Believe it or not, but I still have one of these black phones in full working order, had it converted / rewired for use with current wall plugs......hell I only recently removed it from my office desk (no space)...I love those old phones, especially the loud twin bells that ring. I will admit it takes a bloody long time to dial a phone number.
However, not all is lost I also have a 4 digital hands/cordless phones and base station that work along side the old blunder bus.