I want to suppress a only a specific kind of file in a folder, but I do not know how to indicate them to CCleaner.
In this folder there are other graphic files that I would keep....
When saying "suppress", do you mean "erase upon running CCleaner"? Well, if you really want to do this, and all such files are on a specific drive (or "below" a specific folder), you could ?
- In CCleaner, go to Options -> Include -> Add
- Under "Include", select the "top" Drive or Folder (i.e., "D:\Test\")
- Under "File Types", enter "AlbumArt_{*}_*.jpg"
- Under "Options", select "Include files only"
Hint: Windows? "AlbumArt" files are usually "hidden", but CCleaner will nevertheless "see" (and erase) them.
Some more explanation: What we do above is called "pattern matching". CCleaner will erase every file within the "D:\Test\" folder (and its sub-folders!) that has a name like:
Starting with "AlbumArt_{",
followed by "anything" (indicated by the 1st asterisk),
followed by "}_",
followed by "anything" (indicated by the 2nd asterisk),
ending with ".jpg".
Thus, CCleaner will erase files like:
D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg
D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg
D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Icon.jpg
But it will not erase files like:
D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.png (has .png file type)
D:\Test\MyPersonalArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg (has different beginning)
D:\Test\Copy of AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg (doesn?t start with "AlbumArt_{")
D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg.bak (has .bak at end)
D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\folder.jpg (entirely different, non-matching filename)
Hope this sheds some light on it all ? ;-)
Good luck!