How to suppress a specific kind of file in advanced mode

Hi everybody,

I want to suppress a only a specific kind of file in a folder, but I do not know how to indicate them to CCleaner.







Theese files are created by WMP

In this folder there are other graphic files that I would keep....

Thank you

There's no reason that ccleaner would delete these file by default.

I'm also I bit confused

you state you want to suppress these files, do you mean you wish to have these files deleted but to keep all the other graphics files?

this would be futile because as soon as WMP reindexed the music files it will recreate the album art files

I want to suppress a only a specific kind of file in a folder, but I do not know how to indicate them to CCleaner.







In this folder there are other graphic files that I would keep....

When saying "suppress", do you mean "erase upon running CCleaner"? Well, if you really want to do this, and all such files are on a specific drive (or "below" a specific folder), you could ?

  • In CCleaner, go to Options -> Include -> Add
  • Under "Include", select the "top" Drive or Folder (i.e., "D:\Test\")
  • Under "File Types", enter "AlbumArt_{*}_*.jpg"
  • Under "Options", select "Include files only"

Hint: Windows? "AlbumArt" files are usually "hidden", but CCleaner will nevertheless "see" (and erase) them.

Some more explanation: What we do above is called "pattern matching". CCleaner will erase every file within the "D:\Test\" folder (and its sub-folders!) that has a name like:

Starting with "AlbumArt_{",

followed by "anything" (indicated by the 1st asterisk),

followed by "}_",

followed by "anything" (indicated by the 2nd asterisk),

ending with ".jpg".

Thus, CCleaner will erase files like:




D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Icon.jpg

But it will not erase files like:

D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.png (has .png file type)

D:\Test\MyPersonalArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg (has different beginning)

D:\Test\Copy of AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg (doesn?t start with "AlbumArt_{")

D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg.bak (has .bak at end)

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\folder.jpg (entirely different, non-matching filename)

Hope this sheds some light on it all ? ;-)

Good luck!

When saying "suppress", do you mean "erase upon running CCleaner"? Well, if you really want to do this, and all such files are on a specific drive (or "below" a specific folder), you could ?

  • In CCleaner, go to Options -> Include -> Add
  • Under "Include", select the "top" Drive or Folder (i.e., "D:\Test\")
  • Under "File Types", enter "AlbumArt_{*}_*.jpg"
  • Under "Options", select "Include files only"

Hint: Windows? "AlbumArt" files are usually "hidden", but CCleaner will nevertheless "see" (and erase) them.

Some more explanation: What we do above is called "pattern matching". CCleaner will erase every file within the "D:\Test\" folder (and its sub-folders!) that has a name like:

Starting with "AlbumArt_{",

followed by "anything" (indicated by the 1st asterisk),

followed by "}_",

followed by "anything" (indicated by the 2nd asterisk),

ending with ".jpg".

Thus, CCleaner will erase files like:




D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Icon.jpg

But it will not erase files like:

D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.png (has .png file type)

D:\Test\MyPersonalArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Small.jpg (has different beginning)

D:\Test\Copy of AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg (doesn?t start with "AlbumArt_{")

D:\Test\AlbumArt_{7556981A-2EC6-4EBD-A0F9-2DEC94B4A59C}_Large.jpg.bak (has .bak at end)

D:\Test\James Last\Bella Italia\folder.jpg (entirely different, non-matching filename)

Hope this sheds some light on it all ? ;-)

Good luck!

Done !!! ThankYou very much !!!

Just want to restate that this seem like a silly thing to do because

as soon as WMP reindexed the music files it will recreate the album art files

Yes, WMP still create new albumart files and other like:

*.wmdb in Documents and Settings\eddynat\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player.

All those files can be automatically deleted using CCleaner like this (Options/Include:

C:\Documents and Settings\eddynat\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\*.wmdb
C:\Documents and Settings\eddynat\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\Cache d?images\LocalMLS\*.*

Thank you for your support

Just want to restate that this seem like a silly thing to do because ? [WMP recreates them]

Well, we can only speculate about the reasons. For people who don?t like Windows Media Player (like myself) it might actually be a good idea to clean up the junk. Personally, I?d call it a wise move, not a silly one.

Anyway, a question was asked ? and answered. That?s about it. Glad I could be of help.

Just embed the album art with Mp3tag and there's no need for WMP's forever uniquely odd behaviour of hiding album art.

Just embed the album art with Mp3tag and there's no need for WMP's forever uniquely odd behaviour of hiding album art.

Amongst many MP3 players for my pc, I do prefer using WMP as the main multimedia player....

For embedding albumart I use dBpowerAmp:

