Which boxe(s) do I need to un-check from 'Windows' and/or 'Applications' in CCleaner to stop it from deleting all my Chrome browser extensions?
Anyone know?
Which boxe(s) do I need to un-check from 'Windows' and/or 'Applications' in CCleaner to stop it from deleting all my Chrome browser extensions?
Anyone know?
this problem only happened to older version of CCleaner
update your CCleaner to latest version v4.16 and report back here
and it is also helpful if you can state your OS and chrome version
Thanks for the response. CCleaner is V4.04.4197. I tried updating it, it said I had the most current version. Chrome is Version 36.0.1985.125 m
Google Chrome is up to date. Windows 7. This didn't used to happen. It just started about two months ago. I have the following boxes checked under the 'Applications'/Google Chrome' tab:internet cache, internet history, cookies, download history, last download location, and session.
I just went to the CCleaner site and saw that they had ccsetup416.exe available for D/L. But, before I run it, I want to make sure that it won't delete all my Chrome extensions as before.
I have 8 extensions, it takes some time to re-install them all.
I just found this forum topic:Checking "Internet History" under "Chrome" when cleaning will result in all Chrome extensions and preferences being deleted at http://forum.piriform.com/?showtopic=40042 Part of the post says:'For the time being I suggest anyone having this issue should clean with "Internet History" unchecked. You can delete Chrome history manually'
Is this still the case, or has 416 fixed this?
As dvdbane stated it should no longer occur. However if you're worried, run an analysis first then, if the extensions appear, exclude the extension folder from scan (right click the item and choose exclude).