how to scan a CD-ROM driver

hi all,

i got a question is it possibel to scan CD'S with recuva ?

If yes please tell me how becaus i cant find the option.



Not as far as I know - it may be possible if the cd drive is external. Of course it is not usual to have deleted files on a CDR. If you're that worried about security then copy the files you wish to keep to another CDR and put the suspect CDR into the microwave for 2 secs, or until it sparks. Quite interesting, and quite unrecoverable.

Hi Augeas,

Don't forget sometimes Recuva is used to recover files. :lol:

Keep up the good work,

:) davey

Don't forget sometimes Recuva is used to recover files.

Not after the microwave treatment, it isn't!

Actually I was curious to know what the OP expected to find on a CD? Cheers, A (research still continuing).