How to run automatically CCleaner on Win 10 ?

Hi ! I use the free version of CCleaner on my PC, and since I switched to Windows 10, everytime I start it, I get a CCleaner windows asking me to "autohorize this application to make some modifications to my computer" (in french in the accompanying screen-copy) ! Is there a way to avoid this and have CCleaner run automatically ?

BTW, I use Firefox latest version, but I don't think this is relevant, as CCleaner starts before I load Firefox ? !

Thanks in advance for any help !


To stop the warning notice when CClener launches then in CCleaner go to Options>Settings and tick 'Skip User Account Control warning', (or the equivalent in French).


If you don't want CCleaner to run automatically when your computer starts up then make sure that this box is unticked:


Yessss ! Thanks !