I cant remove this app. Its always open. I kill the process it restarts itself within no time and therefore i cant put it into trash. It autostarts when i reboot my Mac eventho it is neither in the launchagents folder or in the normal auutostart list. It behaves like mal/spyware. Really not cool.
So killing process from Terminal does not work either. The Process from which it starts is launchd, which is crucial for the OS to work.
Edit: I found a solution via Terminal ccleaner can be removed from launchd. Type this into Terminal: launchctl remove com.piriform.CCleaner
Hi @SherlockThanks for the updates on this situation as I am delighted to hear that you were able to remove CCleaner via the terminal command, although I am terribly sorry for any trouble this may have caused to you.
I'll inform our product team of the problems you encountered when attempting to remove the app so they can investigate further as the behavior you described is not intended.
I was infuriated when I realised I couldn't remove CCleaner on my new Macbook because the process would not terminate and just start itself again, so I couldn't remove the software from the applications folder. I wanted to install version 1.18 again.
This is the definition of a malicious piece of software. What the hell happened. I really miss CC v1
If you have any feedback on how we could make the new version better then it would be really appreciated if you could submit it here - https://ideas-mac.ccleaner.com
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To uninstall CC Mac:
Open CCleaner
Click CCleaner in the menu bar (Top left)
Select "Uninstall CCleaner"
If you have any feedback on how we could make the new version better then it would be really appreciated if you could submit it here - <a href="https://ideas-mac.ccleaner.com/trending" rel="external nofollow">https://ideas-mac.ccleaner.com</a>
bulls**t, the problem continues. Your program is some kind of crap.
Hello guys! I've came to help you and everyone who will searching for it.
So, I've been trying to drop this piece of s**t for all day. Nice application, hackers, no way to remove it, if you are simple Mac user.
So, for remove this s**t open terminal in Mac and execute:
sudo rm -rf /applications/CCleaner.app
If you changed directory, where this s**t was installed, you should firstly locate it.
use their unistaller first. then because it leaves behind (and possibly others I did not find in /var/ root directories)..
download findanyfile.app (Mac approved developer)
search for all files on your startup drive that containcom.piriform.ccleaner (make sure invisible items are shown)
select those and right click/contextual menu, move to trash OR delete immediately. all done. NEVER will install this app again, ever. it runs all the time in the background and auto starts without anyway to disable it. I want to use it when I choose to; also a privacy invader. bad app.
If I do a clean reinstall of my OS, which I really need, would this solve the CCleaner uninstall issue? I am in my 90th year, so these things aren't as simple as they might be. With all the extra fuel cost increases, I really can't afford the luxury of CC.