How to recover files cleaned using Ccleaner

Long story short, I managed to delete the my documents folder from my laptop while moving it around my computer and if that wasn't enough then ran cleaner later that day (not knowing i had moved the entirety of my documents to the recyling bin) and cleaned (one pass) my documents off the computer.

As you can image i had to work hard to restrain myself from banging my head off the table at my incredible stupidity!

But anyway im running a Recuva (Deep Scan) as i write (after not finding anything using the standard wizard scan) but im wondering is there any specific settings i should be using to recover files that have been deleted by Cceaner?

Any help is MUCH appreciated!



System: Vista Home Primum 32bit

Hp Pavilion dv 5

Ccleaner latest version as of time of writing

I assume you ran a secure delete on the contents of the recycler, which included My Documents?

The prognosis is not good. When you deleted My Docs to the recycler the data would have remained in the same place on the disk, with the directory info altered. CC's secure delete will have done an overwrite in place on the data. So the data is not recoverable.

You might recover something useful after completing the deep scan (I always cancel stage 2 as I've never found it to be of much help), in the shape of old edit copies, etc. But not everything, and not up to date.

There are no settings in Recuva that can help with overwritten data.

I assume you ran a secure delete on the contents of the recycler, which included My Documents?

The prognosis is not good. When you deleted My Docs to the recycler the data would have remained in the same place on the disk, with the directory info altered. CC's secure delete will have done an overwrite in place on the data. So the data is not recoverable.

You might recover something useful after completing the deep scan (I always cancel stage 2 as I've never found it to be of much help), in the shape of old edit copies, etc. But not everything, and not up to date.

There are no settings in Recuva that can help with overwritten data.

Not what i was hoping to hear but . . .

No I have normal file deletion enabled (i only realy use Ccleaner as a means of saving HDD space rather than for security)

And used the standard method of "Anylise" then "Run Cleaner"

Maybe theres hope yet?

You confused me with 'cleaned(one pass)'.

Vista will rename files sent to the recycler as $Isomething.ext and $Rsomething.ext. You want to look for the $R files as they are the data files. You can look using either normal scan or deep scan.

You confused me with 'cleaned(one pass)'.

Vista will rename files sent to the recycler as $Isomething.ext and $Rsomething.ext. You want to look for the $R files as they are the data files. You can look using either normal scan or deep scan.

The deep Scan finished over night. And it looked to have worked finding around 10GB (of which doc could be at most 1.5GB) but when i went to restore all of the files to my NAS Drive it said "File path cannot be found" or something to that effect. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help so far
