when i clean chrome with ccleaner its disabling notification on twitter and logout web.whatsapp.
i already put twitter and web.whatsapp keep place. but its still not help. is there any solution for this?
i want ccleaner must pass everything about twitter and whatsapp
when i go custom Clean>Chrome>internet cache
if i unclick there then its working good but then all internet web site cache will not clean. i only want to stay whatsapp and twitter. there is no way ?
Double click on the result if in advanced report and not details immediately
One of those files is going to be in need of right click> exclude. If there are too many then clean it first then immediately load the twitter page that gives notification and nothing else (no other auto open pages or what not) then redo my steps and find the culprit
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Try this
Rightclick internet cache and choose analyze
Double click on the result if in advanced report and not details immediately
One of those files is going to be in need of right click> exclude. If there are too many then clean it first then immediately load the twitter page that gives notification and nothing else (no other auto open pages or what not) then redo my steps and find the culprit
Yes exactly what i wanted. its worked twitter but its not working for web.whatsapp. i used all cookies whitelist for test whatsapp still logout
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<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#382e23;font-size:14px;">Right click on session under chrome and choose clean</span>
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Try this
Make whatsapp in working order
Right click on session under chrome and choose clean
Does whatsapp still work or broken
If still works try this for each option under chrome until you find which one cause the breakage
Then analyze that section as you did above finding the needed exclude
i cant clean sesion while chrome working. ccleaner saying me skip clean or close chrome for clean session