How to move ccleaner pro settings to a new Mac

Hey all,

Getting a new Macbook Air. I'm happy to buy the license for a new computer but want to transfer settings (browser, system, cookies, etc) to the new machine.

I saw old posts about a clickbox to create an ini file, but can't find that. Searches of this forum were not fruitful.

I see a ccleaner.dat file in users/shared/ccleaner directory. Can I transfer that to the new machine after installing a new ccleaner pro?

Can someone point me to the procedure?



As far as I know/can find there is no counterpart of the Windows .ini file for CCleaner on a MAC.

I'm not sure just what would be in that .dat file you have found; can you open it in a basic text editor and see if it makes any sense?

(If you are lucky it may be in plain language rather than code).

You can find the CC Mac documentation here, but I can't see anything in there about saving settings.

Thanks, it's binary. If I don't get a certain answer or procedure, I'll try to move that file when I get the new machine.



(passionate homebrewer)

I suspect that it will contain machine specific information, OS version, CPU type, and so on that is displayed in the CC GUI rather than any settings.

There is not currently a way to transfer settings from pc to mac (or vice versa). A good suggestion though, if only for cookies to keep, all else would be too hard (pc and mac are very different beasts).

I was assuming the OP was wanting to transfer settings Mac-to-Mac, 'users/shared/' is a Mac directory.

There seems to be currently no way to do even that with the Mac version.