In the past when I've simply clicked on clean it has wiped out all my site specific trackers or cookies or whatever they are. This leads to my having to reestablish my machine on sites that I want to access such as banks and credit unions. This is a PITA. I don't understand all the varied prefixes and suffixes when I look at the lists brought up by "analyze". Is there a simple way to figure out which items to keep so that this will not be necessary yet I can delete unnecessary items?
I think that what you you are seeing may be nothing to do with CCleaner.
Many websites that deal with finances, such as banks and credit unions, will not now let you save logins - and so you have to enter your name/password every time that you go there.
This is for your own security, and to keep your money safe.
They do this so that if you lost your device (or it was stolen) nobody else will be able to automatically log into your bank account without knowing the password.
Once they have decided to do this to keep your money safer then they will not keep 'automatic login' cookies. (So the cookies are not even there for CCleaner to remove or save).
Even my mobile phone top-up site works like this now, I have to enter the password every time I visit there.
Tell me about it. Yesterday I had to login to a particular site using an ID code, a pin and a password, then when I transferred to another part of the same site I had to go through another set of security hoops.
With things like forums and even utility main web sites the cookies should be fairly easy to identify in the CCleaner Cookies listing either under the actual forum or company name or www. name, often there can be more than one.
A thing you can do it wipe your cookies entirely then go to each web site you want to be logged in automatically, login then exit to CCleaner and save the related cookies. It is still A PITA and you'll see just how much ***** you pick up just by launching a browser. But once done you can be pretty sure deleting cookies using CCleaner won't cause as many re-login cases.
Most sites have expiry dates to cookies so eventually you will have to re-login to them several times over the course of a year and save the updated cookies again.