I've been doing some customizing with Styler lately, but the menu bar in explorer is ruining everything because there's no way to hide it, and it doesn't get customized. I looked on Google and found an answer on AskVG, but his fix for hiding the menu bar apparently doesn't work on my computer. That is why I have been wondering if any of you guys would know how to hide it.
What OS are you using Ice? (I've forgotten)
If he wants to hide it, I think he's using WinXP or older since it's hidden by default in Vista/7.
Maybe this will work ? http://www.askvg.com/hide-menubar-addressbar-throbber-in-my-computer-in-windows-xp/
I'm currently using XP. Also, I've tried the AskVG method. It works when you aren't using Styler, but it doesn't work when you are using Styler.
Did you follow these steps?
Sorry, didn't see it was a Styler-related tweak. Maybe this then : http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm ? (it's the 24th)
Thanks Aethec. So the registry file itself is to hide the menu bar, and then the VBS file next to it is to restore the menu bar?
It seems so. But maybe you could simply use the .reg file and remove the - in it.