How to erase a folder itself?

Hello folks,

I would like to erase a folder itself. Not only its contents, but the folder itself too. Is it possible with CCleaner 2.29.1111? Thank you for your attention guys. See the picture below:


See you later,



Hi and welcome to the forums! :)

I suggest just deleting the folder. Right-click and hit 'delete'. I know this seems like a really simple response, but I think that's all you're trying to accomplish.

If you want to securely delete these files, delete the folder and run CCleaner, which will empty your Recycle Bin. Go to the 'Settings' tab under the Options menu and select a more secure deletion pattern. This will overwrite the files on your Recycle Bin more thoroughly.

Let me know if you need anything else. :)

Hello folks,

Thank you FearNothingProductions! Well, I have figured out how to do that. I added the following line to CCleaner .ini file:


It erases the files inside the folder and the folder itself. That you all.

See you later,


P.S.: Sorry I haven't answered before, but I have problems with my first account (Aeolis) validation e-mail, so I had to create this new one (Aeolis2) to answer back the post. I will contact administrators to solve the problem.

Glad to know that your problem was solved! :)