How to enable Win 10 services ?

Speccy is indicating that only about 50% of my Windows 10 services are running! Is this normal, and if not how do you enable those that aren't?

The page I'm writing about is ... Operating System.

Curser down to the bottom at... Services.

Curser down through the running services to those that are Stopped.

Could it be that because they are stopped means they are not working at this time rather than unable to run?

Help please,

Speccy is indicating that only about 50% of my Windows 10 services are running! Is this normal,

i think its ok. already in previous versions of Windows were not all services running.

Some are set to "automatically"

others to "manual"

and a couple of "disabled"

on my 8.1 are perhaps 1/4 enabled and the rest is stopped. its normal.

many of the services are started if they are needed, and some are from Microsoft already disabled (will not start). among the services there are also dependencies, which then restart other services that were previously stopped. (but not deactivated)

however, i can not help you in terms of services-control in Windows 10. i have only all previous Windows-Versions but not WX.

On my Win7 I go Start\ Administrative Tools\ Services and right-click each item for a menu. Start/ stop/ properties, etc.

Could it be that because they are stopped means they are not working at this time rather than unable to run?

no, these are all services in state "manual" and "disabled".

services in state "manual" can be enabled if its required. if they stopped, they dont work at this time. --> conserving resources

(some services must be set to "automatically" otherwise the functionality of Windows is endangered.)

Thank you for your replies... since reading them I've learnt that yes you can enable them manually to run or stop, to do so Automatically or manually, or to wake-up when triggered.

It all leaves me a lot happier because I was convincing myself that my download was a light version of the full 'home download'... thanks again, especially our German friend,

It all leaves me a lot happier because I was convincing myself that my download was a light version of the full 'home download'...

:) the home-version is the light-version of pro-version. but i understand what you mean ;)

i would get even the homeversion for my 8.1 but i didnt it now, perhaps later this year or 2016.

thanks again, especially our German friend,

nothing to thank for, its my pleasure :) i hope my english is more or less understandable