Speccy is indicating that only about 50% of my Windows 10 services are running! Is this normal,
i think its ok. alreadyinprevious versions of Windowswere notall servicesrunning.
Someare set to "automatically"
othersto "manual"
anda couple of"disabled"
on my 8.1 are perhaps 1/4 enabled and the rest is stopped. its normal.
manyofthe servicesarestarted ifthey are needed, andsome arefromMicrosoftalreadydisabled(will not start). among theservicesthere are alsodependencies,whichthen restartother services thatwerepreviously stopped. (but not deactivated)
however, i cannot help youin terms ofservices-controlinWindows10. i have only all previous Windows-Versions but not WX.
Thank you for your replies... since reading them I've learnt that yes you can enable them manually to run or stop, to do so Automatically or manually, or to wake-up when triggered.
It all leaves me a lot happier because I was convincing myself that my download was a light version of the full 'home download'... thanks again, especially our German friend,