How to disable Mobsync.exe on window vista?
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i tried it all i think but a lot thats online right now only seems to work on XP not vista
well this is what i tried so far you tell me what to do know! here my list of failures lol...
i went to C:\Windows\system32 and took ownership of mobsync.exe file by right clicking and going under properties and clicking security tab and clicling owner tab and changing the owner to me
then trying to change the name of mobsync.exe so it would not run but no luck
then i tried to
use command prompt to do it by
running this code to take ownership
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\mobsync.exe
then this to give me full control
cacls C:\Windows\System32\mobsync.exe /G tommy:F
but no luck i just get a error message
then i read someone did in regedit but i tried but they were wrong or had a xp because it didnt match vista regedit at all here it was
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\… df3-10306abf19b2}
if you have a vista you will know there is no currentversion in vista regedit!!
well hope someone can help because this is overheating my laptop and i need it off or out thanks in advance