I recently downloaded CCleaner in hopes that it would allow me to remove unwanted folders that my computer would not allow me to dispose of. In the options section I plug my folder that I want to get read of into the include section but do not know where to go from there, if there is anyone with knowledge on the subject it would be greatly appreciated
If you get messages like this when you try to delete use
If not, what sort of error do you get when you try to delete?
Are they things you have downloaded that you are unsure about?
Are all your scans clear of virus/malware?
You will need to tick the Custom Files and Folders box in Cleaner/Advanced to get CC to action the included folders. Assuming you are not trying to remove system folders, I am not sure why you are being prevented from deleting these folders. CC will not be able to delete folders you cannot delete manually.
I'd like to bump the suggestion for unlocker (from the post above). I've used it VERY successfully on my XP laptop for a number of years and it was often worked to get rid of stubborn folders and files. There are also a number of deletion programs that if they can't delete the file at that moment they will queue the file to bew deleted at the next computer bootup.
The Custom Folder in CC is more for specific temp files that are created and not handled by CC in it's normal form (I use mine to remove a RSS Attchment folder that keeps being made because my Reader program won't honor the setting of don't download the attachment for this specific feed)