I am a new user here and using Windows XP Prof with SP3.
I do not even recall installing Defraggler 2.14 (I use the built-in XP Defrag) but it is installed and I would like to uninstall it.
In the Defraggler 2.14 folder are a 'Lang' folder, Defrag.exe, Defrag Config settings file, Defraggler64 file, DefragglerShell64.dll file, Defraggler.dll file, df file, df64 file, License file, and Portable file but no uninstall-related files.
I opened Defraggler 2.14 and it looks similar to Windows XP's built-in Defragmenter. I clicked 'About' and it states Piriform Defraggler 2.14 so I assume that it is a legitimate piece of software.
However, on this website, ~snipped~ it states that Defraggler is malware and a fake anti-virus program.
I am thoroughly confused-Are 'Piriform Defraggler' and 'Defraggler' two different programs with similar-sounding names?
Is the Pirform Defraller 2.14 that I have a 'regular' piece of software like Defragmenter and the other 'Defraggler is a 'fake' anti-virus malware program that can wreck havoc?
Also, is there a way to delete a duplicate thread that has not been replied to yet? I cannot see a 'Delete' option under the 'Edit' link-The other thread is a duplicate so it would be great if someone could delete that one.
Also, am I able to receive email notifications when a response is given or do I have to be signed in here to know if someone has responded?
It is not listed under 'Add/Remove Programs' or listed on the 'Start' menu-If it was as simple as doing that, I would not have created a thread.
The software that is installed is Pirform Defraller 2.14 and looks similar to Windows XP's built-in Defragmenter-Is Piriform Defraller 2.14 legitimate software?
Under 'About,' it states Piriform Defraggler Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013 so I assume that it is a legitimate piece of software.
You unzipped the portable (no-install) version, it sounds like, based on the existence of portable.dat. Delete the whole defraggler folder and you should be fine.
Is Piriform Defraller 2.14 2.14 Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013 a legitimate piece of software?
If so, what is this link about Defraggler malware posing as a fake anti-virus program all about: ~snipped~
Are you saying that I unknowingly unzipped the portable no-install version, so it would not show up under Add/Remove Programs?
Deleting the whole Defraggler folder will remove all traces of it?
On another note, is there a way to delete a duplicate thread that has not been replied to yet? I cannot see a 'Delete' option under the 'Edit' link-The other thread is a duplicate so it would be great if someone could delete that one.
Also, am I able to receive email notifications when a response is given or do I have to be signed in here to know if someone has responded?
Nergal: Is Piriform Defraller 2.14 2.14 Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013 a legitimate piece of software? If so, what is this link about Defraggler malware posing as a fake anti-virus program all about:http://www.xxxx.com...ram-completely/
I actually don't know about the version numbers off hand. If you feel you may be infected with malware, please seek, and post at, a specfic malware fighter site (such as bleeping computer) and follow their specific to you instructions to a tee.
Are you saying that I unknowingly unzipped the portable no-install version, so it would not ahoe up under Add/Remove Programs?
I cannot speculate on what you or another user of your PC may or may not have done, however the existence of portable.dat makes me think that this is a possible reason for the folder.
Deleting the whole Defraggler folder will remove all traces of it?
If you feel it may be malware DO NOT follow the advice to delete it, you may run the risk of compounding the infection.
On another note, is there a way to delete a duplicate thread that has not been replied to yet? I cannot see a 'Delete' option under the 'Edit' link-The other thread is a duplicate so it would be great if someone could delete that one.
Don't worry about it, it'll move down to the bottom as time passes.
Also, am I able to receive email notifications when a response is given or do I have to be signed in here to know if someone has responded?
At the top of the thread there's a button that says "follow topic" or something similar, you can also (if further posts are created by you) set your settings in the forum to follow all threads you post in.
For my own piece of mind, can you look into 'Piriform Defraggller 2.14 Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013' and check if it is a legitimate piece of software that is similar to XP's built-in Defragmenter?
Also, can you also just check the following link and tell me what this is all about: ~snipped~ I would appreciate it 'very' much.
Does 'following' a thread mean that an email notification will be sent when someone replies? I did not receive an email reply when you responded.
Nergal: For my own piece of mind, can you look into 'Piriform Defraggller 2.14 Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013' and check if it is a legitimate piece of software that is similar to XP's built-in Defragmenter? Also, can you also just check the following link and tell me what this is all about: ~snipped~ I would appreciate it 'very' much. Does 'following' a thread mean that an email notification will be sent when someone replies? I did not receive an email reply when you responded.
I've not really anyway to do that beyond what you can (looking at the change logs on the piriform defraggler download page) I've no knowledge of pcsgo dot com, so I'll not be traveling there, sorry. Yes notification means that, check your user setting on the forum (click your username at the top of the page iirc) and make sure your set to get email notifications, also check your spam filter for donotreply@piriform.com
pcsgo.com look like a very sketchy place. I went there in a private browser and right away saw generic posts about random viruses all with links to a self hosted download of a program. THIS IS USUALLY NOT A NORMAL THING FOR ANTIMALWARE SITES
I think that the xxx page is complete nonsense. The article is badly written (I guess by a non-English speaker) is incomprehensible and invites you to download some other software 'to fix the problem'. Defraggler from Piriform is fine.
I agree with Nergal that it looks as if a portable version of Defraggler arrived on your pc at some time. Defraggler 2.14.706 was released in April last year. Personally, as long as the Defraggler folder is scanning clean with your anti-virus (and I guess it is) I would just delete the folder.
This is the only 2.14 listed in the changelog you yourself could have gone to
v2.14.706 (23 Apr 2013)- Added Freespace Defrag to scheduler.- Added single-click analysis of multiple drives.- Added support for UDF file systems.- Improved searching with wildcards.- Improved shell extension on 64-bit systems.- Improved GUI navigation.- Fixed minor bug in the monthly scheduler.- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
The simple fact of its existence neither confirms nor denies the validity of your folder. Since I'm sooooo "unhelpful" (we all have lives of our own, you know, and I fully answered all your questions, so what you've said is rude and obnoxious) I will not provide any further (un)help in this thread, good luck and if you think you have malware you must go to the professional sites as I stated.
Nergal: Augeas provided a much clearer answer; This question was important to me but you did not answer in a clear enough way to satisfy my curiosity.
Augeas-You have been very helpful-Thank you; Since Defraggler 2.14.706 was released in April of last year and 'About' states 'Piriform Defraggler Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013' and the fact that it looks similar to Defragmenter obviously means that it is legitimate software-Correct?
I have not even used Defraggler (I only noticed its existence when checking my 'Program Files' list) and wondered what it was all about. I use Windows XP's built-in Defragmenter.
Can I just delete the Defragger 2.14 folder under 'Program Files' (or would there be other traces of it) since there is no trace of it under Add/Remove Programs or listed on the Start menu.
We're all trying to help in our own way. Personally I would delete the folder. If Defraggler hasn't been run there are no other traces as far as I know except the original zip file if that still exists. If it has been run then there will probably be an entry in the prefetch folder which can simply be deleted, and possibly a few registry entries, but I couldn't say where, you would have to search.
Your question is probably best answered this way; Yes there was a legit version 2.14 of Defraggler released by Piriform.
As to whether your version 2.14.706 is the same program - no-one here can tell.
If someone was smart enough to knock up some sort of crapware and disguise it as Defraggler v2.14.706 and put enough time and effort into making it look official, then simply looking in About and quoting the version number in no way validates a software's legitimacy.
As stated above, the portable.dat file only appears in the Portable build, so it's a fair assumption the program was never installed, hence no entry in Programs & Features. Portable builds are just unzipped into a folder, so deleted the folder - delete the program.
Augeas-Defragger has been 'opened' but not run-If there was a 'zip' file, what would the file be called? There was no 'Zip' file under Deafragger.13'-The only contents within the Defraggler folder are: A yellow 'Lang' folder and 9 files including: Defrag.exe, Defrag Config Settings, Defraggler64, DefragglerShell64.dll, Defraggler.dll, df, df64, License, and Portable.dat.
MTA-I checked the 'About' section of the software and it stated 'Piriform Defraggler Version 2.14.706 Copyright 2007-2013' and looked similar to Defragmenter, which Defraggler does-Correct?
NO, you can't make that assumption at all - it is just that - an assumption. (I mean, there is a very good chance it is legit, but only comparing hashes will confirm that)
The Help, About box is just a graphic with some text around it.
Anybody with some basic coding skills, who was into malware spreading, could easily knock something like that up without too much effort.
Putting that About section into the rest of a knocked-up Defraggler clone wouldn't be too much more work for someone with a but more skill.
I think you are at the point of you don't want the program, don't know where it came from, and don't know who installed it.
Since you want to delete it, simply delete the folder it lives in and POW, all gone.
As to the missing .zip file. It could be anywhere on your PC, but most likely in the Downloads folder, since you can't see it in the same folder DF is currently in.
The original .zip file, IF it came from Piriform, and wasn't renamed when downloaded, and was actually the portable build should be called dfsetupnnn.zip where nnn was the version number downloaded, so in your case, probably, 214.
MTA-I did a search for 'dfsetup214.zip' but it is not listed anywhere so it was unzipped, since there was a folder with 9 files within it, and has been opened (to see what Deflaggler was) but never 'run.'
I 'did' have a legitimate version of Defraggler-I just did not know who Piriform was or what did Defraggler did. Since I use XP's built-on Defragmenter, I will stick with that.
I got confused though when I read the article on ~snipped~ (check it out), which lead me to believe that Pirisoft Defraggler was, in fact, malware fake anti-virus software: