How to clean google search history?

Anybody know how to do this?


You can also deselect Options > Search > Configure Search Box on Toolbar > Save the search history across browser sessions.

Then the history will clear every time you exit the browser.

where exactly are you finding this? i dont see this when i bring up google.

i use firefox, and have set as my homepage.

can you all dumb it down for me? thanks!

Oops! Sorry, I (and apparently medab_1) thought you meant Google Toolbar.

If you're just using Google search from their site, AFAIK there is no special Google search history. It should just be your browser cache / forms history (I don't use FireFox).

i ran ccleaner and cleaned out the cookies and that did the trick-but i lost all my saved passwords! dohh!

oh well, what are you going to do?

anyone know how to avoid this next time?

thanks all!

Determine which cookies you need to keep. The names should make it obvious but, if in doubt, open each cookie using Notepad (some of the contents may be in hexadecimal but you should be able to recognize your passwords).

Then, in CCleaner, use Options > Cookies > Cookies to Keep to protect the cookies which you need. Use CCleaner to clean the cookies rather than manually deleting them.

With FF open,tools-clear private data.Anything there that may help?

thanks guys. i will have to make a list of safe cookies. good times!