today i tried XPize because i've heard some good things about it. so i did and i noticed that it changed my Boot Screen, theme, and a lot of stuff. but all of it sucked because it didnt change any shell icons and the theme was just Royale.
so my question is, which program do i need to change it. i've already tried that program by WinCustomize BootSkin but it sucked and made me go into Safe Mode so i could go back to the regular one so that it could boot proparly.
ummm, im asking for a way to change the boot screen. i've already uninstalled it 2 times and both of those times it has not worked. the only way to get rid of it when you change the boot screen is to boot into safe mode.
r u looking to hack the boot screen so it can be of your own design? seems like all these people here are giving you advice how to recover your old one? If i'm correct, then do a google search for hacking boot screens or the like there of and you will likely find a whole bunch of tutorials on how to do it, along with links to programs that will help you along the way. I have a word doc on me with all the steps, but i don't recall exactly where i got them from, its a compilatiion of different fun hacks for winXP, so if you look and don't find anything, msg back here and i'll post the steps for the hack (its not that i'm lazy and don't want to do it, but you'll find some nice websites that will walk you through it with pics and all)