How should I configure Portable CCleaner ?

Do I need any of the DLL's

What benefit are the contents of

I have been using a "standard" version v2.10.618 which is installed on C:\.

together with winappi.ini dated 18/10/2007.

N.B. winsys.ini and are absent.

I have now checked the Advanced "Save all settings to INI file" option, which immediately created CCleaner.ini.

Then I downloaded Portable version v2.13.720, and unzipped on Drive H:\

As expected the portable version ran with default settings - none of my "standard" customisation.

Immediately after copying CCleaner.ini to H:\ it had all my standard customisation.

I found that both Standard and Portable found identical registry settings to purge.

The Portable also found all the Files that Standard wanted to purge,

but in addition Portable found a lot of

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\413677275\.

I found that Unicows.dll was needed for Windows 95/98,

and decided I did not need it because I use Windows XP Home edition with SP3.

I deleted ALL the *.dll files, i.e.Unicows.dll and also all the language files.

I could see no difference in operation.

Is there any situation in which I will need any of those *.dll files ?

I shut down the P.C. and then restarted, after which Portable still found and offered to delete exactly the same files and registry settings as before.


Does the winappi.ini do nothing at all ?

If winappi.ini did anything useful for Standard CC,

I would have expected Portable CC to be inferior in its absence,

Or did the original "Standard" CC put data in the registry based upon winappi.ini,

and the "Portable" CC (which has no copy of winappi.ini) has made use of those registry settings ?

(N.B. I think "Portable" software should not modify the registry - and I would not expect it to use it either.)

Will the various *.ini files within do me any good ?

What benefits may I expect ?

If I try them and decide I do not like the effects,

will deleting these files restore everything exactly as it was ?

or will I need to also do a System Restore to put the registry back as it was ?





Hi Alan,

The .dll s are there in case someone other than English speaking users will be able to use CCleaner when you plug into their PC.

The portable.dat file forces the Save settings to INI option to be set and also prevents it from being turned off. This way someone's Registry can not accidentally be changed.

The copy of the embedded .ini files will come in handy if you want to see what is built into the program as regards what application areas (winapp.ini),system areas(winsys.ini) and Registry(winreg.ini) issues are checked. They have no effect on the program themselves. If you copied any of these files and changed them and renamed them as winapp1.ini, or winsys1.ini or winreg1.ini then their contents would override what is embedded in the program. The winapp2.ini file contents will take precidence over the other winapp.ini or winapp1.ini contents.

I don't know what explains the

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\413677275\ files except maybe a difference in time.

You should see no difference in what is cleaned or not cleaned from the Portable build versus any other build.

You should backup and such just like before. You may want to put a copy of winapp2.ini into your Portable folder also, if you normally use it and know it's effects on the other PC's that you maybe cleaning. That is your choice.

Good luck,

:) davey

Thank you Davey, you gave me the assurance I need.

I converted the old "Standard" from registry to cleaner.ini based so I could easily transfer my customisation to a new Portable version,

AND so that before adopting the latest I could conveniently compare the results of one version to the next.

I have no concerns about the extra files in

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\413677275\

"Standard" version v2.10.618 did not recognise these as junk to be zapped.

"Portable" version v2.13.720 version wants to zapp them,

which I take as evidence the developers have made improvements

( I previously believed that, but it is nice to see proof !!! )

