How often to use CCleaner?

I have been looking for a good reg cleaner and am new to CCleaner. How often do you suggest running CCleaner? I noticed that I clicked analyze and it found and cleaned 16 MB of crap. Then I surfed the internet for like 15 minutes and scanned again and it was already back up to 12 MB. So how useful is this program if all those unwanted files build back up so quickly?

Also, are there any things I should consider NOT analyzing and cleaning? I really would like to save my passwords and autoform entries, but is that safe?

I scan atleast once a day, Its like a toy, you can't stop playing with it. :lol:

I have been looking for a good reg cleaner and am new to CCleaner. How often do you suggest running CCleaner? I noticed that I clicked analyze and it found and cleaned 16 MB of crap. Then I surfed the internet for like 15 minutes and scanned again and it was already back up to 12 MB. So how useful is this program if all those unwanted files build back up so quickly?

Also, are there any things I should consider NOT analyzing and cleaning? I really would like to save my passwords and autoform entries, but is that safe?

I run right before I defrag usually.

I run it at the end of every browsing session. As you noticed, the stuff piles up quickly. Your passwords and autoform entries are in no danger. :)

I use CCleaner multiple times each day, sorry I don't keep a count. Perhaps CCleaner should keep count of how many times it's used each day.

Once or twice a day and before I defrag. :D


Mine is set to auto clean on every boot

open CCleaner>options>tick "run CCleaner when the computer starts"

The best thing is that you will not notice it. it does its job (cleans) silently. GREAT!!

for me it depends on what i do,if i install lotsa stuff or browse alot then i tend to use it everyday.

many times a day...

every 5 seconds

Very frequently, although I spend a lot more time creating the junk to test it. :)

It shouldn't be that hard, just hit the power to boot to Windows...

You can run it as often as you want or as often you prefer to feel its needed.

Me myself dont use it all too often, once every 2 weeks or once every month is probably fine for me.

.....Me myself dont use it all too often, once every 2 weeks or once every month is probably fine for me.

You have the right perspective. Much of this "junk" is self-regulating cache or log file content. Perhaps lowering the size of these caches would be less time consuming then over-CCleaner'ing.

I run right before I defrag usually.

Here is how I defragment my C drive:

1. Make disc image backup to external hard-drive.

2. Checkdisk to recover those bad sectors.

3. Restart.

3. SuperCleaner (because it overwrites).

4. CCleaner.

5. RegSeeker: "Clean the Registry".

6. Restart.

7. Eraser "unused space wipe".

8. Restart in safe mode and defragment.

9. Restart.

10. Make disc image backup to external hard-drive.

I run Cleaner when ever I remember to, which is about all the time I think they should make it so the files it removes just cant be created in the first place. Problem solved :D