I'm currently collecting parts for my first home-build. This coputer will be used for video editing, moderate gaming, office applications, web surfing, and misc.
I have the Antec P180 case (and yes, I know there are mixed reviews on how easy this case is or isn't for first time builders). I plan on one more fan (to go with the three in the case) in the upper HD cage area,
I plan on Intel (stable choice for video editing) for the mobo and dual processers. I do not plan on overclocking. I may go with embedded gigabyte LAN, though I am considering an add-in card.
I'm looking at an external fax/modum, rather than internal.
I plan on 2 gigs of memory, a Plextor 716 burner, a DVD-ROM, a floppy, 2 Seagate S-ATA hard drives (one in the 120 gig range - OS and applications, and the other 200-300 range - for video projects).
I plan on a Canopus ACEDVio video capture card, the new Creative Xi card with a front bay, and a fairly high end graphics card. I will build in the capabilty for SLI just in case, though I don't plan on two graphics cards at this point.
For the PSU, I am looking at the Antec NeoHE. Will the 500 watt be sufficient? Or should I go with the 550 watt?