I have a 1.5TB NTFS disk with 93 Gb occupied. Initial analysis said it was 31% fragmented, which I found surprising as I do defrag infrequently. My question is: "how long should I expect a defrag to take?"
It's been running now for well over 24 hours and says 44% completed. The program is running and the files are changing in the window but is this to be expected?
It all depends on many variables; other background tasks, AV software, file fragment sizes and number, PC usage while running DF, options used to DF etc.
What is your AV program, OS version, DF version?
What did the analysis results say were the number of fragmented files and total number of fragments?
But as you say, it is progressing and you are seeing the files change so it is moving forward.
You can always stop it and it will just pickup at the next run at the first defragged file, so you won't lose what has already been done.
For potentially speedier DF's, try running it in Safe Mode.
This was the situation I was having a few years ago and switched to another's defrag program. Today I installed Defraggler---instead of the one I'm using on my laptop--- on a HP 2000 Notebook for a neighbor [that I 'Reset Your PC' on and have only added 3 programs from Piriform] and it is having the same issue that I had experienced in the past.
Defragmenting (32%) has been sitting there for over 6 hours now. The Remaining Time has been getting lower though. What has me concerned is the amount of time that it is taking to defrag, compared to other programs that I have tried.
OK - I just now downloaded and installed the current Defraggler and have the same problem, I think.
When I run Auslogics Disk Defrag, it usually runs to completion in just 3-5 minutes - never longer than 10 minutes.
I started Defraggler right after running CCleaner.
Defraggler says my disk health is good.
It also says the HD is 17% fragmented, that there are 233 fragmented files, 1,066 fragments, used space =226GB, Free space 357GB.
It also say Defragmenting is at 5% with remaining time: > 1 day.
This after a half hour of defragging with pretty much nothing else running. I do run the current free AVAST AV software.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit current with all Windows Update patches.
The CPU is a fairly fast 4-core AMD CPU, and it is about 20% busy with Defraggler using about 17% of the CPU. The hard drive seems to be busy about 60% of the time - sometimes less.
to all, all I can say for your first attempt to get DF to work is make sure you have VSS, restore points and hibernation unchecked. (Settings, Options, Advanced).
also do an initial run of CC and DF from Safe Mode (just to eliminate the chance there is a conflicting background task).
and specifying your OS and DF versions (and any other info that may help) would be good too.
With Auslogics Disk Defrag, maybe the product is defragging only fragmented files, while Defraggler defragments both files and the hard drive itself. Is that correct or wrong?
Two more questions about your request to run in safe mode.....
I assume this is the VSS you are talking about - "Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS)"
I can see that " restore points and hibernation unchecked. (Settings, Options, Advanced)." are there to be unchecked.
1. But VSS is already unchecked (from Defraggler's install), so it currently indicates that Defraggler will NOT stop VSS when defragging my NTFS internal hard drive. Is that what you want?
2. Should I run with your 3 options all the time or should I run with those options only when running Defraggler in Safe Mode?
fyi -
I saw that Defraggler ran when I rebooted - it defragged (at least) the paging file when it ran. I had forgotten that I had selected for Defraggler to run 1 time at reboot.
My Defraggler is V2.18.945 64bit - which is the copy I downloaded from Piriform yesterday
Running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit current with all Windows Update patches.