hey i was just wondering how hot a computer usally runs.
I have a 3.4 p4 prossecer and my computer idiol runs at about 44C or 111F
loaded it runs like 52C or 53C usally about 47C when loading.
Is this high and if so would a new heatsink work?
hey i was just wondering how hot a computer usally runs.
I have a 3.4 p4 prossecer and my computer idiol runs at about 44C or 111F
loaded it runs like 52C or 53C usally about 47C when loading.
Is this high and if so would a new heatsink work?
That's normal for P4's. Especially with HTT.
would a new hetasink be worth buying or not.
If so what type of metal would be the best?
One way which is free is to make sure your PC tower isn't inside of a computer desk PC tower shelf, even with port holes in the back of those desks I feel as though they still starve a system of efficient air. Air has to be drawn into the front of the tower, and it has to be unobscured in the back.
i have got a very small i guess you could say fan chage in the front but i can't find any fan to put into it....
Any i deas of what might do the trick.
i also found this heatsink
Is this heatsink better then the one that comes with the prossecer and i also found this fan to go with it
would this make a good combination and would it get ride of much heat?
Vanguard the problem is not the temperature, it is the fact that you are running a pentium, get an AMD processor.
i would but my motherboard only fits a pentium and if i just bougt the p4 and if i bought the AMD it would cos like another $300 and a good motherboard would be antoher $120
if i had a little extra cash on me i would
I dont find my computer hot or not. Girls do it 4 me .