After downloading the "beta" version with secure delete, how far back will it securely delete? Will it only delete the latest history or will it go all the way back to everything you have looked at on the web?
After downloading the "beta" version with secure delete, how far back will it securely delete? Will it only delete the latest history or will it go all the way back to everything you have looked at on the web?
After downloading the "beta" version with secure delete, how far back will it securely delete? Will it only delete the latest history or will it go all the way back to everything you have looked at on the web?
Assuming you have the 'Secure file deletion' feature selected, after clicking 'Run Cleaner', any file listed as 'Removed' will be overwritten however many times you selected. So if you have 'DOD 5220.22-M (3 passes)' selected, your junk will be marked as free space, and then written over-top of with data three times.