How does your browser perform here

A browser test site, it works based on the number of your browser connection limits. ( in other words being a 'better'' browser will not necessarily load all the sea animals, it's all to do with max connections allowed)

Opera loaded them all

I tried it with Firefox, IE8 and IE9 preview. None of those could show all images... Broken test ?

No not broken. IE8 couldn't do it for me either but Opera did. There are other things at play here such as the max connections allowed.

Got 28,806ms with 20 connections and 19,000+ms on 40 connections. Tested in Firefox 3.7.

He says he choose the number of images based on IE8's max, so it should work in IE8... :huh:

Got all of them on latest Minefield version.

I'm only missing one of them in Firefox v3.6.2.

ff 3.6.2 : all but 6 of them loaded for me.

my ff settings have "max connections" set to 30 and "per server" set to 15

my ff settings have "max connections" set to 30 and "per server" set to 15

try change to "max con" >48 and "per server" >16 , see what you get ;)

Opera loaded them all ;) with default setting ( 64 and 16 ), its pretty damn FAST

Too much connections per server will make servers cry.

Too much connections per server will make servers cry.

Yeah possibly cry foul.

I used tweak the max HTTP connections in Windows above the default of 6, however I've completely given up on that since I notice no significant difference.

Malware can also change those Windows HTTP connections settings.