i want to remove it
No idea.
Uninstall the software that put it there, and never install it again.
Also tell us what software it is, so we can avoid it.
it's Macromedia Dreamweaver
i dled the trial to try it out and then uninstalled it. but the FTP BS still remained there
Probably a dumb question but have you run Issues analyzer in CCleaner? Perhaps it's a shortcut that points nowhere now.
I'm sure Lokoike will post the real solution soon.
Probably a dumb question but have you run Issues analyzer in CCleaner? Perhaps it's a shortcut that points nowhere now.
I'm sure Lokoike will post the real solution soon.
You are absolutely wrong.
Actually, I was technically going to post the same solution... but who needs technicalities anyway?
lol CCleaner didnt do anything about it.
anyways problem is solved. i just right clicked it and clicked Remove. i never knew i could do that so...
lol CCleaner didnt do anything about it.
anyways problem is solved. i just right clicked it and clicked Remove. i never knew i could do that so...
So with one click of the mouse JohnDemolition makes MikeRochip and lokoike look like idiots !
Easier done than said!
lol CCleaner didnt do anything about it.
anyways problem is solved. i just right clicked it and clicked Remove. i never knew i could do that so...
You can Right Click and remove a high percentage of files and folders on a computer, but it is not the right option because unless they are shortcuts (which that icon did not appear to be) you are more than likely going to end up with a highly unstable system, if not totally unusable.
The actual icon that you deleted was part of the FTP application that would have come with dreamweaver for the uploading of websites that dreamweaver would have been used to create.
In future I would recommend using add/remove if there is an entry, or if not find out exactly why it is on your system and possibly just leave it there, after all it wasn't doing any real harm, (but ideally should have been uninstalled along with dreamweaver).
So with one click of the mouse JohnDemolition makes MikeRochip and lokoike look like idiots
I would wait to see if he gets any other problems first before assuming that.
So with one click of the mouse JohnDemolition makes MikeRochip and lokoike look like idiots
Easier done than said!
Well, technically, it was two clicks, and I was under the impression that we already looked like idiots. This simply exemplified that.
lokoike figures that if he hides behind a pair of really cool sunglasses, people will think he looks more sophisticated. Is it working yet?
You can Right Click and remove a high percentage of files and folders on a computer, but it is not the right option because unless they are shortcuts (which that icon did not appear to be) you are more than likely going to end up with a highly unstable system, if not totally unusable.
The actual icon that you deleted was part of the FTP application that would have come with dreamweaver for the uploading of websites that dreamweaver would have been used to create.
In future I would recommend using add/remove if there is an entry, or if not find out exactly why it is on your system and possibly just leave it there, after all it wasn't doing any real harm, (but ideally should have been uninstalled along with dreamweaver).
that's only if you delete stuff in the important directories such as Program Files and WINDOWS.
also i did use Add/Remove to remove Dreamweaver but it didnt remove it so it stayed like that for quite a while. so i just asked for a way to remove it. of course i did find the solution on IRC since someone asked me if i tried to right click it and/or press the del key(the del key doesnt work in My Computer).
also im not really worried about removing important stuff. i love removing a lot of stuff. you would be amazed how much junk i removed from it(at least 5GB). and most of it came from Program Files(a lot of times programs dont delete their Program Files Folder for unknown reasons)
I had software that I couldn't remove (even CCleaner didn't spot it) - the software was actaully (physically) gone.
To get rid of all eveidence i had to trawl the registry and delete all the class entries [search for prgram u want to remove]
and before anyone says, please, please be careful before deleting class entries *PLEASE*
If u delete them, and windows breaks - I am not responsible !!
A quicker solution to searching through the registry for leftovers is to use RegSeeker since it will after all create a backup of the removed entry - even custom searches through it.