how do I use ScriptKey in winapp2.ini?

I need info on how to use ScriptKey1.

Please someone give me a example file or something of how to use it :D

Could I write a script to create a registry entry that increases # at end of key? (read next section below)

And adds it to winapp2.ini file?

does CCleaner read from the script file or does it run the script & the script writes entries to winapp2.ini ?

K I have made a winapp2.ini file.

I have programs like editpad pro & others that remember recently search history.

And it will make a new registry key for each search.

all of the search history folders need to be deleted but I'm not wanting to add 40 or 50 entries to winapp2.ini

it wont let me use hkcu\Software\JGsoft\EditPadPro6\SearchHistory* to get rid of all the keys

Search history


stores the number of searches also search & replace text.

And it also creates key to remember each searches options.


adds number each search & creates new key




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Ok here is a scipt. In the ZIP file you'll find: JGSoft.vbs and WinApp2.ini. The ini file is for reference. Dont overwrite your existing one. Just copy and paste the non-commented section.

Here is the script and ini entry...

Script. Place JGSoft.vbs from the ZIP into the same folder as CCleaner.exe

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Deleted by Disk4mat

The script will delete every key named SearchHistory. This includes any numeric variations. I recreated all the keys visible in your screenshot and tested it. Works perfectly deleteing SearchHistory, SearchHistory0, SearchHistory1 etc. The script uses a simple find keys containing 'SearchHistory'. So for example SearchFavorites wont be removed.

:D cool thanks I tried it out & it works great.

Thanks a lot man.

Your welcome! This gave me a chance to explore some possiblities when combining WSH and CC.