How do i update CC portable without losing the settings?

I want to update CC portable from 5.02 to 5.08, but how do i keep my settings (ticks/cookie exclusions/etc) intact?

Just update on top of your existing CC folder with replace same-named files. The CC ini file with all your settings will remain untouched.

I don't understand, how would i do that? Do i extract the contents of ccleaner508 into the ccleaner502 folder? If i have this right, Windows may ask to replace each and every file inside.. and that doesn't seem right.

Couldn't I just copy the ccleaner.ini file inside the ccleaner502 main folder, and overwrite the .ini inside the ccleaner508 folder, or is that a bad idea??

Yes, and that's what I used to do until I realised that just extracting on top of the old folder was far easier than faffing around with release numbers. I just have a folder called ccleaner. Windows asks once if you want to replace all the similarly named files, just say yes and then sit back.

Good idea, I may rename my folder too. So you recommend just extracting on top of the old? I suppose if anything ever did go wrong, it would be easier to fix.

There is no ccleaner.ini included in the portable ccleaner zip, your settings aren't erased from the folder when you extract the new version on top of the older one

There is no ccleaner.ini included in the portable ccleaner zip, your settings aren't erased from the folder when you extract the new version on top of the older one

Unless it hasn't been used yet, that's not what I'm seeing:


Also this:


I decided to extract the new version, and move over the .ini from the previous version. No issues as far as i can tell.

Ccleanre.ini is not in the portable zip, as Nergal says. An extract on top of an existing folder will not overwrite the existing ccleaner.ini, which is the point we were trying to make. It seems as if you are trying to copy an extracted and used folder, which is why you are seeing the ini file.