I have run the ccleaner and it erased my msn chat history, is it possible to restore these chats?
Hello and welcome to the forum
Firstly to avoid further heart ache for your self. Open up ccleaner. Navigate to. applications tab - Internet - and uncheck windows live messenger (It' maybe named differently depending on version...Possibly?)
If ccleaner is set to secure deletion under options - settings then i very much doubt you will not to be able to recover.
If it is still set to normal
then download recover and use the recover wizard to try recover the chat history.
http://www.piriform.com/recuva also by the makers of ccleaner
Thanks for you help and i tried what you suggested but it did not find my lost files
Was secure deletion enabled?
Was secure deletion enabled?
The default setting is set to "normal file deletion" what setting should it be to recover my files?
What is the difference between the 2 settings?
Secure deletion is just that- it's secure. Normally, when you delete a file there are only small changes made in the MFT and metadata of the file that render it unreadable to your computer. Of course, any good recovery software can recreate files deleted in this fashion (just look at Recuva ).
Securely deleting a file changes how the file is wiped (depending on what settings you are using). It makes "passes" over the file, filling it with random numbers and data that make it harder to recover the data.
If you used normal deletion settings, it shouldn't be too hard to get those files back. Pop over to the Recuva thread- they should be able to help you out.
Thanks for your help and i am using the Recuva program "ident" suggested.
When i search the file (and i indicate where to look) it says it can not find it
I am using "normal file deletion" and the "Wipe MFT free space" is clicked on and only the C:/ selected, what does that do?
Is the "normal file deletion" easier the recover than "secure file deletion"?
I will contact Recuva and see if they can help me.
When i search the file (and i indicate where to look) it says it can not find itI am using "normal file deletion" and the "Wipe MFT free space" is clicked on and only the C:/ selected, what does that do?
Is the "normal file deletion" easier the recover than "secure file deletion"?
I will contact Recuva and see if they can help me.
"Wipe MFT free space" only effects you if wipe free space is checked under advanced at the bottom of the windows tab.
Normal file deletion does not actually delete a file. When windows "deletes" a file it just removes the reference to that file. The data remains. Eventually windows will over write this file.
secure file deletion has yet to be proven possibly to fully recover. I have not yet seen one agency claiming to do so.
Pop over to the recova section. they will be able to guide you better on how to search for the missing file
My knowledge on recova is minimal.
If 'Wipe Free Space' is selected in CCleaner, chances are you won't be able to recover the file. CCleaner will have written over the data.
"Wipe MFT free space" only effects you if wipe free space is checked under advanced at the bottom of the windows tab.
Normal file deletion does not actually delete a file. When windows "deletes" a file it just removes the reference to that file. The data remains. Eventually windows will over write this file.
secure file deletion has yet to be proven possibly to fully recover. I have not yet seen one agency claiming to do so.
Pop over to the recova section. they will be able to guide you better on how to search for the missing file
My knowledge on recova is minimal.
"Wipe MFT free space" is clicked ON in "Settings" not "Advanced" , what does this do? should i turn this off? if so why?
I have my CCleaner set to "Normal file deletion" so does that mean i can recover these files before Windows overwrites them? How long does it usually take for Windows to overwrite "deleted" files?
Thank you very much for your help, it is greatly appreciated. I will contact Recuva for more details
If 'Wipe Free Space' is selected in CCleaner, chances are you won't be able to recover the file. CCleaner will have written over the data.
When i did my first scan "WFS" was selected ON, so i guess i can not recover the files im looking for
I have now unselected "WFS" in case i need to recover a file next time.
Thank you very much for all your help
You're welcome for the help. Sorry you couldn't get your files back.
Most of the helpers and staff here don't use the Wipe Free Space option; try searching the forums. You'll find some interesting and knowledgeable discussions regarding the subject.
Hope things work out for you. If you have any more questions we are always here