I thought adding another user to my 'Include' folder would clean their temporary internet files too but it actually cleaned all document off the other users C:\. Is there anyway I can undo the last clean?
If you have Windows 7 you could use "previous versions" Else. don't write anything else to the drive and use (running from a portable drive) recuva and recover what you can ON TO A SEPERATE DRIVE
I thought adding another user to my 'Include' folder would clean their temporary internet files too but it actually cleaned all document off the other users C:\. Is there anyway I can undo the last clean?
I'm afraid you will have to explain that to me. Sorry. I'm working off Windows XP...
Stop using the computer you deleted it from as much as possible (the more you use the computer the harder a recover will be)
download the portable version of Recuva from http://www.piriform.com/recuva/builds to a seperate Harddrive/or a flash drive
run it to do search of your drive (C:\)
and recover anything recoverable to the seperate harddrive (the one recuva running from) if you do this to the hard drive you are trying to recover from you run a VERY HIGH RISK of overwriting what you want to recover
good luck
I thought adding another user to my 'Include' folder would clean their temporary internet files too but it actually cleaned all document off the other users C:\. Is there anyway I can undo the last clean?
You probably selected the wrong folder or file location for which CCleaner will obey and delete everything that it possibly can.
CCleaner doesn't yet allow for a single Admin user to clean all user profiles, you really need to log into each user profile individually to properly clean them. Doing this will avoid catastrophic issues and also avoid having to input any Include locations.