This folder view is annoying, it wont go away.
If i press the X on the guidlines it will open a new folder in a new window.
my settings are as default.
This folder view is annoying, it wont go away.
If i press the X on the guidlines it will open a new folder in a new window.
my settings are as default.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean but:
The Folders button (highlighted in your screenshot) toggles the view for the left hand window; the button immediately to the right of it lets you select the view for the right hand window.
I'm not to sure either, but just in case Glenn's solution is not what you meant you could try,
open my computer -tools -folder options -general , and deselect "open each folder in its own window"
Let us know how you get on !
nope, it dont work, i did as you said hazel, and still dont work.
if i uncheck the "folder" button if i click on my music or anyhing else it will open that into a new window..
To disable it do the following:
Open the offending folder and click in the Explorer toolbar: View
Now switch to another type of view such as Thumbnails, Tiles (that's what you're currently seeing), Icons, List, or Details.
Once you've selected what you want you can optionally make all folders have the same exact view style by clicking in the Explorer toolbar:
Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Apply to All Folders
To get rid of the Explorer bar on the left just click the large Folders icon located at the top-middle.
I'm not sure what you meant by,"If i press the X on the guidlines".
Maybe this picture will help--
Maybe it won't.
none of those worked when i close the folder view by clicking the highlighted X then i clikc onto 'my music' or anything else it will open chosen folder into a new window.
if your running XP, go to start>settings>control pannel>folder options>general. click "open each folder in the same window." apply then save.
hope its what your talking about.
dont work....
was already like that.
go to the same spot but click the view tab. unclick "remember each folders view settings."
still dont work
Have been doing a bit more looking around and if your problem is how I understand it, (that is the left hand pane opens again with the new window when you have clicked on an icon on the right.) it can be caused by your default folder action being set to explore instead of open.
Click tools, folder options, file types, find (NONE) folder in list. Highlight it, click advanced button. If this is your problem explore will be in bold. Change back to open by clicking open, then click " set default button".
Open should now be in bold. Click ok to close.
(none) file folder - i goto advanced and it says
enque in winamp
play in winamp
ad to winamp bookmark list
i pressed set to deafualt and when i clik a folder it opens a movie in winamp
(none) folder - i goto advanced it says..
it opens a movie now when i clik a folder now...
(none) file folder - i goto advanced and it says
enque in winamp
play in winamp
ad to winamp bookmark list
i pressed set to deafualt and when i clik a folder it opens a movie in winamp
(none) folder - i goto advanced it says..
it opens a movie now when i clik a folder now...
It seems you set winamp as default instead of "find".
This picture may help--
erm, the settings are as your said, but it opens folders into "search".
I see.
I never double click to open.
I right click & choose Open.
See the next picture--
thanks matebut thefolders dont open in the same window, lol.
thanks matebut thefolders dont open in the same window, lol.
Here is a link I found that might help.
It points to a registry tweak at Kellys Korner--
Here is a direct download link to the reg file--
As you probably know, changing the registry can cause problems.
Use this at your own risk.
I have used some vbs & reg files from Kellys before without any problems.
I just tried the tweak & it did not work.
Folder contents still opened in a new window.
I use xp home.
Maybe xp pro acts differently.
I restored my registry to the way it was.
See a picture--
If I don't want a new window I just click on a folder or what it contains in the left frame & it opens in the right frame.
If one did get all the folders to open in the same window one would need to click the Back button to return to something else.
With the menu on the left, one just clicks on something to see it appear in the right frame without losing the menu on the left, which can be easily navigated.
neither worked, ;o.