How do I completely remove CCleaner?

How can I completely remove CCleaner? I uninstalled it but when I uninstalled other programs, Kaspersky told me CCleaner was trying to read information and I had to give it permission for the uninstall to continue.

I rebooted and now when I uninstall programs, a program called au_.exe does what CCleaner was doing before I rebooted. I have to give it permission for the uninstall to continue.

This never happened before. Did CCleaner replace my Windows uninstaller?

Im not the only one.

Its the same file but with different letters and numbers. It was created today at the time of installing CCleaner.

Hi Joe, and welcome to the forum.

What you have doesn't sound like anything CCleaner would do. CCleaner uninstalls quite easily via Add/Remove.

From the little research I've done over the last few minutes, au_exe comes up as possible Malware.

Have a read here: Read the entire page.

I would suggest you go the following link to have your PC checked out by our Malware guys. If it turns out to be innocent, then fine, but I wouldn't take the chance.

I've just read your second post, and the link, but I would still check it out to be sure.

I've just read your second post, and the link, but I would still check it out to be sure.

Im positive this came after installing CCleaner. I just reformatted my computer yesterday so the chance of me having any malware is very slim. After uninstalling CCleaner, I went to uninstall a game from Add or Remove Programs, but Kaspersky said CCleaner was the program being used to uninstall the game.

After rebooting, au_.exe is the file being used to uninstall programs.

Well I just tried uninstalling programs from my other computer and AU_.exe exists there too, except Kaspersky didnt need me to approve of its actions. It just assumed it was a safe file.

I read that it has something to do with installing files so Im guessing thats what it is. Kaspersky probably wants me to approve of the Add and Remove Programs from CCleaner and now that CCleaner isnt on my computer, it still needs me to approve of the Add and Remove Programs from Windows. I dont know. Not a problem.

If you find out anything, that would be nice.

Hi Joe. I'm pleased to hear the file you mentioned doesn't appear to be anything nasty, although it could have been.

I'm afraid I couldn't tell you why you are getting the problem you are experiencing, I could only do some more research, although I'm sure if anyone one else on here does, they'll offer some input.

And of course the Piriform development team read all the posts on here and if any of them can throw some light on the matter I'm sure they will.

Sorry I can't be of any more help right at this the moment.

I've been trying to find more information on your au_exe file.

It can be either a virus, an uninstall helper, or an automatic updater, and is part of literally hundreds of programs.

Here's a list of 323 examples, including CCleaner.

It can be the automatic updater for F-Secure, but you don't have that, so scratch that one.

It's not a virus, as you've just recently formatted, so that leaves the uninstall helper. From some of the links I've followed, if you find where this file is located, you can simply delete it, and I've seen mentions of it being found in temp files such as:-

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\temp

If you haven't already, you could do a search for it, including hidden files.

Or, and I should have thought of this in the first instance, have you tried reinstalling CCleaner and then doing another uninstall via Add/Remove Programs?