How do I clear google search history?

My computer now remembers everything that I tap into any search engine. Can CC clear this? It never used to remember this stuff, have I inadvertently changed some preference? I've looked for it but found nothing.

(windows xp pro and internet explorer)

you can disable this...

go to internet explorer, then tools -> internet options... under the content tab, click on "AutoComplete" and uncheck all the checkboxes... and click on both the "Clear Form" and "Clear Password" button...

Wow! Quick reply, thanks! The only problem is there is one site I go to (Which) that I can't remember my password for, and can't find anyway on the site to change it or get it resent to me. Will carrying out your instructions affect this?

I meant to add, it will send it to me, but only to my old email address, and I can't find a way to update my details. [checking that again now]

My apologies. Phoned them up, it's all sorted (why did I not do that along time ago?!), will now do what you suggested.

you can actually keep the necessary cookies... and prevent CCleaner from removing them...

to do so, launch CCleaner, and click on options... then select the "cookies" button and move the cookies you want to keep...

Done it, it works, thanks alot.

Done it, it works, thanks alot.

Done it, it works, thanks alot.


Done it, it works, thanks alot.

no problem... :)

If you still need it, I added Google Toolbar in winapp2.ini thread. :P