-17C with snow flurries.
<--- Sorta looks like the unfortunate Kenny from South Park.
~ -10C here.
-17C with snow flurries.
<--- Sorta looks like the unfortunate Kenny from South Park.
~ -10C here.
pfffffft. -10-17 C is balmy.......
Right now it's -4C here in very southern part of the country (near Helsinki). Up in the north it's about -20C/-22C.
Minus few Celsius is just fine, because i like to ice-skate and play with a puck. Just came from skating. Tomorrow is suppose to be -8C.
<--- Sorta looks like the unfortunate Kenny from South Park.
~ -10C here.
That could be Kenny from Piriform. -17 with snow flurries.
Been hovering around 0?C +/- a couple for the last couple of weeks here.
-18C with brisk NW wind making it feel like -35C<--- Sorta looks like the unfortunate Kenny from South Park.
~ -10C here.
I bought a red sweatshirt with a hood and went to a Halloween party once and nobody could figure out what the costume was supposed to represent and I even mumbled that I was Kenny from South Park but they still did not get it.
My daughter introduced me to South Park when she was younger about 10 years ago when she was staying at my place for the weekend and pleaded to be able to stay up and watch it as she said it was Kewl but I was a bit apprehensive when the Adult warning came on but I watched it and just about rolled on the floor laughing.
Now I can't stand it because of the violence but I do like The Simpsons followed by King of the Hill.
Hello all.
It is a lovely -36F with the wind chill in Dryden Ontario Canada.
Down at those temperatures F = CHello all.
It is a lovely -36F with the wind chill in Dryden Ontario Canada.
Its sunny though but Sunday it is supposed to get warmer to -3C.
Down at those temperatures F = C
Its sunny though but Sunday it is supposed to get warmer to -3C.
At minus 3C its short time LOL
9 F right now at 11:50 AM est in Cincinnati, OH.
Well right now it's 52, cloudy and breezy. Supposed to reach 61 today and go down to 40 tonight.
If I told you I'm a grown man huddled up against an electrical heater whilst inside a sleeping bag I think you can get the picture.
err about 32 degrees where iam now. should be 66 later in afternoon. my butt is frozen!
Troy, NY (using Vista Sidebar weather gadget) -8 Fahrenheit = -22 Celsius. The Forecastbar Enhanced addon for Firefox is saying - 7 Fahrenheit, which is -21.67 Celsius.
Yeah, it's cold.
I'm sure glad I don't live in the west end of Toronto as my apartment is electrically heated
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/200...wer-outage.htmlToronto power outage could last 24 hours, mayor saysLast Updated: Friday, January 16, 2009 | 9:16 AM ET
A Toronto Police officer directs traffic at Bloor Street and Ossington Avenue during the power outage Friday. (CBC)A power outage has thrown a large section of Toronto into chaos, leaving 100,000 people without electricity as the city shivers in a bitter cold snap ? and the mayor says the situation isn't going to improve any time soon.
I'm also glad I did not have to go for a swim in the Hudson River:
Probe begins into plane crash in Hudson River
pfffffft. -10-17 C is balmy.......
Funny how our metabolic thermostats adjust.
The thermometer in the garage showed 2F at 9:20 AM. When watching the Weather Channel a few times over the past two days it had shown -18F.
I can't help but think the Bahamas would be a better location to be at right now.
I've been trying to find a smiley of an anatomically challenged Brass Monkey. It's still pretty nippy here.
here in North Carolina it was 16 Degrees this morning but now @2:42PM it's 27 Degrees with the wind blowing at around 15mph
here in North Carolina it was 16 Degrees this morning but now @2:42PM it's 27 Degrees with the wind blowing at around 15mph
I loved it when I worked in Raleigh for 2.5 years back in '91-93.
41 C around 107 F here yesterday.
Perfect beer drinking weather.
But then again any type of weather is perfect for a beer.