How can it be?

How can the CCleaner program clean more on my computer in 15 days than in 2 months?

Important to clarify that in both periods of use the computer has had the same use, the use of the computer has not been modified


The image is in Spanish but I will write it in English, in 15 days I clean 18.7GB and in 2 months 2.2GB

If you compare the figures you can see that there is a difference is in the Windows System files. Particularly the Windows Log files.

Cleaning up the system after a recent Windows Update?

But the big culprit is the Recycle Bin, there is around 16 GB more in the second image, showing that you must have deleted a lot of large files.

Which is the difference thatt is showing in the top line figures.

In the period of time that the two captures were made there was no system update or updates, anyway I just checked the trash and you're right thanks for the help