HOSTS files, IP blacklists, toolbars - is it enough?

HOSTS files, IP blacklists, toolbars - is it enough?

By Steven Burn - August 12th 2008

Back in 2006, I wrote an article on the HOSTS file, and how it added an improvement to the security of your computer. Whilst this has not changed, the malware scene has and thus, the security needed to protect your computer, has changed drastically.

I don't use a Hosts File. I don't use a resident antispyware scanner. I don't use security tool bars such as Site Advisor. I don't use PAC Files. I don't use IP Block Lists. I don't immunize with programs like Spyware Blaster or Spy Bot S&D's immunize feature.

I do run an AV real time and use Sandboxie when going to unfamiliar sites. I have never had an infection on any of my current machines the oldest of which is now 4 years old. In fact my AV resident scanners have NEVER alerted me to anything. None of the AV or Antispyware scanners (and I have many) have detected a single thing other than the odd tracking cookie and odd false positive. I am on line probably 8 hours a day if not more. How do you explain this? Simple common sense when using a computer. Without that none of those protection apps will do $hit for you. I know people that totally screw their machines at least monthly. They have many of those apps installed and still they are not protected because there is no adequate protection for stupidity. I wouldn't do it but I could probably shut off my AV resident shield and still not get infected. It hasn't alert me to a single thing on any of my machines since installed.

I don't use a Hosts File. I don't use a resident antispyware scanner. I don't use security tool bars such as Site Advisor. I don't use PAC Files. I don't use IP Block Lists. I don't immunize with programs like Spyware Blaster or Spy Bot S&D's immunize feature.

I do run an AV real time and use Sandboxie when going to unfamiliar sites. I have never had an infection on any of my current machines the oldest of which is now 4 years old. In fact my AV resident scanners have NEVER alerted me to anything. None of the AV or Antispyware scanners (and I have many) have detected a single thing other than the odd tracking cookie and odd false positive. I am on line probably 8 hours a day if not more. How do you explain this? Simple common sense when using a computer. Without that none of those protection apps will do $hit for you. I know people that totally screw their machines at least monthly. They have many of those apps installed and still they are not protected because there is no adequate protection for stupidity. I wouldn't do it but I could probably shut off my AV resident shield and still not get infected. It hasn't alert me to a single thing on any of my machines since installed.

There's several ways I could respond to this.

1) No, tell us how you really feel.

2) That makes 2 of us.

3) Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes!!!

4) See all the hassle you avoid by not surfing pr0n?

I had host programs for a while but I gave them up. The 2 or 3 sites I visit that are on host files are game sites. The other 10 billion are pr0n and I don't go there. I have Spybot just as a precaution but haven't found it useful in the past 4 years. Avast hasn't picked up anything so far. AVG did once or twice, years ago. AVZ poked at a false positive. MBAM hasn't found anything.

I think the best apps I have are CCleaner, RevoUninstaller, ERUNT, and RegSeeker. They've proved their worth.

don't use a Hosts File. I don't use a resident antispyware scanner. I don't use security tool bars such as Site Advisor. I don't use PAC Files. I don't use IP Block Lists. I don't immunize with programs like Spyware Blaster or Spy Bot S&D's immunize feature.

How many of the almost 18,000 members and hundreds of guests are as knowledgeable as you?

If Steven Burn ( MysteryFCM ) went to all the time and effort to put this information together then I think that the information should be made available.

As an example, on my old 2.4GHZ 512MB RAM system I had a licensed copy of FireTrust's SiteHound that was really slowing the system browsing down so I read Steven's Help information and found Windows of Trust known as WoT and I un-installed SiteHound and installed WoT.

The system is now back to performing like it should and not like my old 500MHZ PIII.

I don't use a Hosts File. I don't use a resident antispyware scanner. I don't use security tool bars such as Site Advisor. I don't use PAC Files. I don't use IP Block Lists. I don't immunize with programs like Spyware Blaster or Spy Bot S&D's immunize feature.

I do run an AV real time and use Sandboxie when going to unfamiliar sites. I have never had an infection on any of my current machines the oldest of which is now 4 years old. In fact my AV resident scanners have NEVER alerted me to anything. None of the AV or Antispyware scanners (and I have many) have detected a single thing other than the odd tracking cookie and odd false positive. I am on line probably 8 hours a day if not more. How do you explain this? Simple common sense when using a computer. Without that none of those protection apps will do $hit for you. I know people that totally screw their machines at least monthly. They have many of those apps installed and still they are not protected because there is no adequate protection for stupidity. I wouldn't do it but I could probably shut off my AV resident shield and still not get infected. It hasn't alert me to a single thing on any of my machines since installed.

I don't use those either, but I DO USE SpywareBlaster, even though i use Opera as my default browser.

Actually, it seems to be pretty rare to bump into website viruses, when you are browsing the internet. Unless maybe on very underground sites. I have not bumped into a website virus for a very long time. Atleast Avast! has not alerted me. But you can't be 100% sure, that there's no any infections, unless you scan with multiple scanners. It's always possible, that your current real-time AV could let some "crap" through.

Some people (who don't know/care much) might think, that "hey, i don't have any viruses, since my AV program has not shown any alerts." Of course it will not show any alerts, if it's out-dated!

My Hosts file makes a difference to my surfing. As an example, I always turn it off when checking a new Image Hosting site, as I once posted a desktop pic which was surrounded by porn adverts.

I couldn't see any of them, and I had Flashblock disabled. The Hosts was blocking all of them.

If Steven Burn ( MysteryFCM ) went to all the time and effort to put this information together then I think that the information should be made available.

I agree and I'm not knocking you for providing the info. The more you know the better. Some people think they need to have 20 layers of security to keep from getting infected and in my experience you don't. On the flip side of that people who have all those layers think they are invincible and can do what ever they want and that's simply not true.

Some people think they need to have 20 layers of security to keep from getting infected and in my experience you don't

What is needed is Common Sense which is sorely lacking today

Actually, it seems to be pretty rare to bump into website viruses, when you are browsing the internet. Unless maybe on very underground sites. I have not bumped into a website virus for a very long time. Atleast Avast! has not alerted me. But you can't be 100% sure, that there's no any infections, unless you scan with multiple scanners. It's always possible, that your current real-time AV could let some "crap" through.

Some people (who don't know/care much) might think, that "hey, i don't have any viruses, since my AV program has not shown any alerts." Of course it will not show any alerts, if it's out-dated!

r u n e g o l d.o r g sent Avast! into a tizzy! ( Don't compress it as it does contain a browser exploit )

Even listing it in hpHosts file forum to have Steven list it I had to disable Avast!'s On-Access Scanner.

What is needed is Common Sense which is sorely lacking today

That was the point I was trying to make in my original post ;)

Let's not forget the real reason we're discussing all this.

Me. Everything is about me.
