Should I lock my Hosts file?
Some poeple say yes to keep malware from writing to it, others say no because it would prevent antispyware from adding new bad sites to it.
Should I lock my Hosts file?
Some poeple say yes to keep malware from writing to it, others say no because it would prevent antispyware from adding new bad sites to it.
I write-protect mine which isn't necessarily securely locking it which Microsoft Antispyware does (I think).
I only started write-protecting mine because a few years back I noticed when visiting a popular website run a member on another now thankfully dead forum we got into an argument about advertising, I gloated too much about blocking ad's and other sites with the HOSTS file and with CookieCop and not two days later visiting his website cause the HOSTS file to get wiped clean as well as my CookieCop blocked sites and cookies. (good thing for backups), that assclown.
I make multiple backups, one with SpywareBlaster which encrypts the backup, one being in the same directory as the HOSTS file which I save as HOSTS.BACKUP, and the other being in a zip archive that gets put onto a floppy and a CD for later integration into my other system.
If you're talking about antispyware programs adding their blocked site entries to the hosts file, such as Spybot SD I think it can already handle that since it has the option to lock it, while at the same time it will also create a backup of the original if you add it's entries.
Edit: Forgot to answer your question. Yes lock it, it can keep you from unknownly getting hijacked or having blocked sites deleted from it.
I've been using a program called Hostsman that Englishmen found (thanks E.) and I figured better safe than sorry and locked it. I figure I can manually update it when needed. It's been doing a good job blocking questionable sites.
Just a little tip if you have spybot switch to advanced mode the bring up tools among others there is a host file list which you can export to your host file. I cant remember if it added any extra entries which my host file did not already have but do it then run hostsman click "Hosts" then "Find Duplicate" and it will weed out any duplicate entries you may have.
Thanks englishmen-
I did as you said but in the Hosts section I couldn't find an export function. I also highlighted all the entries and tried to copy them but right-clicking didn't bring up a menu.
I'm using version 1.4, maybe I missed something?
Just press the below button then run hostsman and search for duplicates as i said and that's it.
Thanks! I forgot the Hosts file is part of Windows and not SpyBot or Hostman.
Just press the below button then run hostsman and search for duplicates as i said and that's it.
Off topic but Englishmen what theme are you using? Can you put up some links? I'm still using the beach background that comes on xp and the royale theme. (I'm paranoid to download this kind of stuff. It seems I always manage to find the sites that package their downloads with spyware).
I guess this is on topic of the off topic but you may like the Crystal XP theme. It looks good and seems to take up less screen space than regular XP themes. The links can be found in this thread.
rridgely I cant remember where i got my theme from but 98% of the time i get my theme's, wallpapers etc from DeviantArt if you also get your stuff from there i think you will find there is no added spyware etc just quality theme wallpapers etc. As i said i cant find the page i downloaded it from but any app, theme, wallpaper etc that i like i back it up on my second HD so i have uploaded the theme along with the font it came with so you can download it.
I tried that HostsMan program and really didn't like it, to each their own I suppose. It made my beautifully alphabetized hosts file a mess, good thing I make backups.
Thanks for the theme Englishmen.