How can i use or add hphost or hostfile in opera browser??In opera they have Fraud detection :Is hostfile and fraud detection almost same ??
How can i use or add hphost or hostfile in opera browser??In opera they have Fraud detection :Is hostfile and fraud detection almost same ??
Hi CRoz. Yes, you stick the Hosts File in a folder on your pc, and it works with most browsers including Opera. I'm saying most because there's bound to be one out there that will jump up and bite me on the backside and prove me wrong if I say all browsers.
The Hosts File on XP is placed in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
If you use the one I use, from MVPS, the ZIP download includes a simple batch file (mvps.bat) that will rename the existing HOSTS file to HOSTS.MVP then copy the included updated HOSTS file to the proper location.
You can do it simply this way, or use a third party software. I use the method above, so one of the other guys will have to post about third party software.
Important Point: If you use a Hosts File, you must go into Services and disable DNS Client, otherwise your pc will run very slow.
Start | Run (type) "services.msc" (no quotes)Scroll down to "DNS Client", Right-click and select: Properties
Click the drop-down arrow for "Startup type"
Select: Disabled click Apply/Ok and restart.
You can also add a filter list to the Opera Content Blocker if you want to block ads.
I use HostsMan along with it's HostsServer.
Thanks for all reply
I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit so this gonna be placed on same folder like as XP C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc or different folder ???
This host file will update automatically or i have to do it manually???
Any possibility to conflict with other security system or antispyware software??
Many questions ...better to be secured.........
As far as I know all flavors of XP and Vista use the same path for the HOSTS file.I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit so this gonna be placed on same folder like as XP C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc or different folder ???
At his time it is best to manually update because it seems there is problem with HostsMan flooding the hpHosts source with requests so Steven Burn the author of hpHosts has blocked several IP addresses from requesting the hpHosts file.This host file will update automatically or i have to do it manually???
Please see:
Not that I am aware of.Any possibility to conflict with other security system or antispyware software??
Windows Defender does alert you when the HOSTS file is modified.
I always disable the HOSTS file when I run Spybot S&D's check because it takes ages to scan and when it gets to the HOSTS file it slows to a crawl.
I don't use Spybot S&D's HOSTS file as it is not checked for accuracy as the hpHosts file is.
it works with most browsers including Opera. I'm saying most because there's bound to be one out there that will jump up and bite me on the backside and prove me wrong if I say all browsers.
It will actually work with all browsers. However to effectively block some sites things like Adblock Plus in Firefox are still a must have, or IE7Pro in IE for those that truly hate ads.
I didn't even know HostsMan's auto updater had a problem. I just disabled it because of the entries in my firewall log. I thought they were too close. Good to know it's known and not intentional.
Thanks for all replyI'm using Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit so this gonna be placed on same folder like as XP C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc or different folder ???
This host file will update automatically or i have to do it manually???
Any possibility to conflict with other security system or antispyware software??
Many questions ...better to be secured.........
It's the same place in vista that the hosts file goes to in xp. Have a good read of the page Dennis linked to, and take note of the special instructions given for vista users when updating the hosts file
Here again with many questions ...i wants to be clear and sure before use it ........and from this forum im getting very nice help......and learning .
I'm thinking to use Hostman becoz i think its bit easier for new user to control ..i mean enable or disable hostfile if i needed like @YoKenny mentioned.
But if i install hostman i need to install hostfile first or not necessary...???
Yes i read that link but this line is not clear to me: Note: do NOT run Windows Vista with UAC turned off as this also turns off the "Protected Mode" in Internet Explorer.
My UAC is turned off ,I don't like this very annoying
And in that link nothing about Uninstall this if later any problem ?? or i missed it..........
Again thanks everybody............
My UAC is turned off ,I don't like this very annoying
It only tries to protect you. I don't have Vista though.
And in that link nothing about Uninstall this if later any problem ?? or i missed it..........
If you want to backup your original HOSTS file:
MD "%userprofile%\My Documents\Windows Original HOSTS File"COPY /V "%windir%\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS" "%userprofile%\My Documents\Windows Original HOSTS File"EXPLORER "%userprofile%\My Documents\Windows Original HOSTS File"CLSEXIT
"Backup Windows HOSTS File.bat"
Note: If you use the MVPS HOSTS File it automatically creates a backup located in "%windir%\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS" which can be restored.
No, you don't need to install any hosts file first if you use Hostsman, it will do it for you as long as you select one or more. By default it includes several popular ones including mvps and hphosts.